Of all the disgraceful scones which have been enacted within the walls of our Legislative Assembly, surely the one of Wednesday last was the most disgraceful. This last and worst ...
Article : 1630 words view this articleSIR,—You will oblige me and the inhabitants of Melbourne also, by inserting the following :—On the 24th ult., a member in the Assembly drew attention to a subject so disgusting as scarcely to ...
Article : 592 words view this articleIt will be seen by our telegram of the proceeding in the Assembly last evening, that the public meeting of Monday evening has already exercised the effect which was the object of its ...
Article : 1010 words view this articleSIR,—The Government having at last after long delay made a step towards bringing in a Distilliation Bill, it is to be hoped they will get it passed as speedily as the rules of the House will admit, ...
Article : 631 words view this articleSIR,—The "What will Mrs Grundy say?" idea seems to have acquired such an extraordinary ascendancy, in the lower or people's branch of our Legislature, that anything like independent or ...
Article : 861 words view this articleSIR,—Lately, commenting on the Auditor's report of the Victorian Association, you remark that in that report you miss "the essentials of an audit;" Is this the first time, Sir, you have ...
Article : 1345 words view this articleSIR,—Various gentlemen in the Assembly are evidently very wroth at your unsophisticated remarks, from time to time, upon the conduct of public affairs, It is a pretty true adage that ...
Article : 434 words view this articleSIR,—I observe it is proposed by the Board of Agriculture to expend £55,000 of the public money towards the eradication, of the thistle. Fifty-five ponce would effect fully as much good; for thistle, ...
Article : 1724 words view this articleSIR,—It may be remembered by some of your readers, that a statement was made on the 24th ultimo, to Professor M'Coy and Dr. Wilkie, by Mr Welch, of Howitt's party, to the effect that ...
Article : 235 words view this articleAPPOINTMENTS.—The following appointment are notified in lost evening's Gazette:—William Douglas Anderson, Esquire, to be Colonel Commandant of Volunteers vice Colonel Pitt, ...
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