The Australian Eleven commenced a match to-day against an United Eleven of England, at Portsmouth. The weather was very fine, and the contest attracted a large number of spectators. The home team went to the wickets first, and ...
Article : 518 words view this article{No abstract available}
Detailed Lists, Results, Guides : 309 words view this articleThe majority of the Queensland team left for Brisbane on Tuesday evening, taking with them the best wishes of the many friends whom they have made during their brief stay in Sydney. That they have come out of the stiff ordeal ...
Article : 1371 words view this articleOn Saturday afternoon the Queensland football team tried conclusions with a strong fifteen of the Wallaroo Club, and, after a very exciting match, scored a victory by one goal and two tries to nothing. The attendance on the Association ...
Article : 1088 words view this articleWhen I concluded my last letter the Australians had just gained a most decisive victory over the United Eleven at Chichester. So far the tour had been an immense success. Nearly every man had played up to his form, and each ...
Article : 3285 words view this articleA meeting of the committee of the New South Wales Football Association was held on Monday, at J. H. Rainford's Cambridge Club Hotel, Oxford-street; Mr. W. Wynn in the chair. The hon. secretary (Mr. Weller) read ...
Article : 406 words view this articleAs the members of the Sydney Bicycle Club intend on Saturday to give a demonstration of their pace on the race track, the following table of fastest record times done by English amateurs up to the end of the year 1881 may be ...
Article : 1180 words view this articleNewcastle Bowing Club Regatta—August 28. M. R. C. Regatte—To-day N. S. W. Bowing Association Regatta—October. Solomon v. Power, light skiffs, Champion Course, £90—Sept. 6. ...
Article : 66 words view this articleThe reports to hand concerning the Laycock-Boyd race are eminently satisfactory in one respect, though decidedly uncomplimentary in another. The English people have discovered another wonder, or phenomenon, as he is described ...
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