Page 3 - Sad Death of George Featherstone, Timber-getter and Farmer.
QUITE a gloom was cast over the people at and near the Login Village when it became known on Monday afternoon last that George Featherstone was drowned in the river just ...
Article : 431 words view this articleON the 9.6 instant, a friendly game of cricket was played on the new cricket ground at Southport between a team of that place and a team from Nerang. The ground was a very ...
Article : 477 words view this articleCR[?] at the Condong Sugar Mill has been busily carried on for the past three months, very successfully too, I believe, for all par[?] concerned. They expect to have ...
Article : 350 words view this articleWHEREAS it is expedient to make provision for the Drainage of Lands within the Colony of Queensland: Be it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the ...
Article : 986 words view this articleMANY people think wheat will not grow here. During the last five years British India has wake up to the benefits of wheat-growing, and finds she can grow what to supply the ...
Article : 2185 words view this articleThe Earl of Northbrook, British High Commissioner to Egypt, has taken leave of the Khedive on his return to England. LONDON, October 23. ...
Article : 1684 words view this articleTHE London Economical considers it in possible that wheat growing can be made profitable in Australis. BEWARE of packages of injurious stuff ...
Article : 487 words view this articleSOUTHPORT:—We have been received any account whatever about the Southport v. Nerang match, or it would have been published. ...
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