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Business Bought by Harris,
Scarfe, Ltd.
For conslderably over half a century
the firm of Holden & Frost, saddlers
and workers in leather, has, been
known throughout South Australia as
the leading one in the industry, and
many regrets will be expressed when
the news is known that it will cease
to exist as from the end of the current
month. Harris, Scarfe, Limited, has
purchased the business.
: It was'established by the late Mr. J. A.
golden in 1856, and ever since then-bas
been controlled by either him or bis son,
Mr. H. J. Holden, the present head of the
business. Mr. H. A. Frost,.wto was associated
with the firm for -very* many
years, died in 1900, and his interest was
purchased from the executors by Mr. H. J.
Holden. Since comparatively a few years
ago, with the introduction of motor cars,
Mr. Holder's energies have been largely
wrapped np in the firm of Holden's Motor
Body Builders, Limited, and this fact, in
conjunction with the state of Mr. Holden'e
health, has Influenced him considerably in
negotions with the firm of Harris, Scarfe,
Limited, for the sale and purchase of the
old established business. After six months
of consideration it has been -finally- agreed
to eel], and Harris, Scarfe, Limited, will
acquire the Grenfell street property as from
;he beginning month. The establishment
of Holden & Frost is being taken
jter as a going concern, and it is understood
that the purchase price runs into a
very substantial figure. At the present
time there are in the factory alone—situated
at die top of the Grenfell street premises—over
60 employes, who are engaged
in the manufacture of saddlery, harness,
bags, and trunks, and' collarmaking, and
for the past two or three year* Mr. W.
Whittingham has held the position-' «f
manager. This gentleman entered the
firm of Holden & Frost 35 years ago; but,
after some years of work there, he joined
another firm. Subsequently, however, be
returned to his old employers. In connection
with the sale of the business it has
been arranged that Mr. Whittingham will
cafry on with the purchasers as general
manager .of the saddlery department, and
the present employes will remain on with
the. new owners. For sotne little time to
come-the business, will .-remain.-in the
present premises, but .it will subsequently
DO transferred, to the new building of Harris,
Scarfe, Limited, and the department
will have windows £acing both Grenfell
street and the new arcade, which will
shortly be opened between Grenfell street
and JELundle street. The factory will re^
mfin whereit" is now.,., tuubkrit
that .the 'old firm's brand of ^UOlafi
will be retained, as a guarantee of the
-quality of the goods produced.