Page 37 - Metropolitan High Schools' Sports on the Richmond Cricket Ground
1. After the presentation -- trophies won by the University High School. 2. Girls' grand aggregate -- presentation of cup by Mr A. Seitz, chief inspector of Secondary Schools, won by Williamstown. 3. 4. 9. and 10. Watching events. 5. B. S. Dwyer, winner Senior High Jump (5ft. 6½in.). 6. Start Senior 440 Yards Race 7. Intermediate Championship Long Jump N. Lock. Geelong, winner. 8. Viewing the trophies. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 78 words view this article1. Sir Philip Game with committee. -- (On right of Governor) the Mayor. Alderman L. Conkey; (on left of Governor) Mr J. H. Gibb (show president!. 2. Miss Nellie Miller, of Young -- first and champion Novice Lady Rider. 3. Mr T. W. Dwyers winning Four-in-hand, also Champion of Show. 4. Sir Philip Game shaking hands with president of local Returned Soldiers' League (Captain J. H. Sorrell, M.M.) after the Governor had inspected the diggers' guard of honor. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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