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—Coral Surf Resorts
Limited had helped
fro restore confidence
in Fiji's tourist industry
by completing the
new Hyatt Regericy
Hotel; the Fijian Prime
Minister, Ratu Sir
K a m i s e s e Mara,
-said here.
He was speaking at
the . .official . openingyesterday
of the new
K10 million 240-room
resort hotel on : Fiji's
coral coast; about
100km from Suva.
The developing- company
had shown initiative,
courage and
confidence in Fiji's
tourist industry and
economy, Ratu Mara
Tourist arrivals in
Fiji had been steadily
increasing in recent
years and 1980 could
well be a record year,
he said. .
Wor,k began on the
hotel in 1973 as Noah's
Hotel, but it came to a,
four-year halt due to
a worldwide recession 1
in tourism and the collapse
of the Mainline
Corporation, which was
behind the- venture.
But the hotel has
now been completed by
Coral Surf Resorts and
its management taken
over by the Hyatt, chain.
Meanwhile, Fiji's
tuna fishing fleet is reported
to be facing a
'disastrous' season with
catches running at only
h&lf the rate of the
previous two years.
The reason,' according
to fishing sources,
is that sea temperatures
are abnormally
low for the time of
year and as a result
the tuna are not biting.
The bait fish needed
to attract them are also
too small after spawning
Mr Graham Southwick,
who fishes with
the 19m . vessel Sunbird
under contract to
th^ fish. Government's
Ika Corporation,, s$id
the sea temperature
now was only 26. deg C
instead of the usual 29
deg C.
"There is plenty of
tuna but the .diffe'rennce
of. two or .three degrees
in the temperature
is absolutely critical
as they'won't bite
until it is warmer," he
said; •••:•'
"The overall"
down 50 per cent. and
if it does not improve
over the next few weeks
we 'kre heading for a
disastrous • season;" Mr
Southwick said. , -
An Ika Corporation
official refused to comment.
Mr Southwi($k said
the -tuna fishing season
lasted; about 10 months
with; January, • February
and Mairch at the
end of ttie period returning
the best catches.
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• Ratu Mara