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. If the Stewards of the W A.T.C. Meeting
had any doubts as to the financial results
that would accrue from their enterprising
action during the year, they must have been
completely dispelled by the scene on the
course on Saturday. They had put their
names to bank paper for something like
£2,000, and had success not attended the
meeting on Saturday, She prospect of the
payment of that money by the Club would
have been distant rather than immediate.
By mid-day the spacious enclosure within
which the Grand Stand' is situated was
swarming with people. They clustered in'
eager groups along the row of ' stables! '
anxions, doubtless, to glean some hints which
might guide them in their backing operations.
Within the enclosure;' too, there' were
a great many" carriages, while, as usual,
each ' tree upon the rising ground within
the course had its cluster ;'<of.-.picnicing
parties The attendance of the public,
both'-^within-the enclosure and without
it, appeared to be much larger "_ than
at previous meetings. '-No? better proof
of this could be obtained than the the fact
that the Grand Stand, though three times
the size of the old one, was fully ? occupied,
even the gangways and the promenade
at the top being used. There were present
a great many ladies in summer costumes and
the Grand Stand viewed from the course
was as gay a picture as, one, need wish, to
look upon. His Excellency the ' Governor
unveil, shortly before the first race was run
and with the Private Secretary (Mr. F.
Hare took up a position within a reserved
space on the Grand Stand. The improvements
on the course were very generally admired
and it was admitted on all hands that
the racing establishment of the premier club
was a credit to the colony.
The racing began with the Maiden Plate
for-which a field of four started, the absen-
was being Metal, Nimrod, Lowlander and
Charity. Mr. Turnbull's filly, Harridan, was
made a hot favourite. but both Espramonte
and Skimmer were backed to win for small
amounts. The race was never in doubt,
Harridan making the running from start
to finish and never really being asked to
gallop. This filly has a nice style of mov-
ing, but there is a suspicion that her stay-
ing qualities are not of the first order.
The Town Plate brought out only three as
runners, Agitation, Telephone and Urilla
Both Telephone and Agitation were well
backed to win, the former being slightly
the better favourite. the running for the
first mUoliuul a half was made by Marella at
good pace, and but for the fact that she was
ridden unnecessarily wide all through, she j tin
would, doubtless, have been closer up at the
finish. Telephone loyalist for nearly a mile and
a quarter, and then joined issue with,
Agitation. Running side by side for three"
or four hundred yards, they closed -njJOir
Brella and. at the half mile post Telephone
weights the^froni/Without being pushed,
Telephone won cleverly in the grand time of ¡ we]
mins 43 V secs., and when he pulled up seemed ~*\jf"
no more distressed than if he had been only year
for an exercise earner! AgiLatiou ran a good Ea
mare, but lacked the pace to finish with that he
wins races! . This race showed very clearly . write
that Telephone, if he had been kept for-the j ran
Perth Cup, would have had a great chance to
win. On the other hand, it is just possible
this gallop did him good, especially as he was
above' condition. The Railway Stakes
brought the first " turn up " of the meeting.
During the last week or two',' Nimrod has
come on wonderfully, and a few days, ago did
a gallop which opened the eyes of the touts.
However, Hermit had done a trial which
showed that he could" go' the distance in
about 2min. 14sec. which was far and away
better than the distance has been covered in
at any previous meeting. This was good
enough to take him a warm favourite, but
he ran the (distance a second slower, while
Nimrod, accomplished the excellent time of
2min. 183sooai Lowlqndor did not ring well
and the tqutsNçcre not surprised to see Nimrod
boat; train- Tn Nimrod, Mr. Loton has a
grand little horse, who may do greater things,
for it is certain that he was not by any means
in tiptop racing trim, having been too short -~
a time in the hands of his trainers, Messrs. tin
i Ogborne and McArdle. The Nursery Stakes- stir
was a gift for Gunpowder, though he had by
just landed from the steamer. , He is a mi
rakish looking colt', and may be heard of to his
advantage at some future meeting. His
stable companion, Satyr, was landed at the
Vasse, having been badly knocked wheat fal
j the voyage from South A stralia. : '. '. . - ?
We now come to the great event of the
meeting the Perth Cup. . Betting on this
race was very brisk during the morning,' and
all the candidates were 'eagerly scanned by
the visitors to "the meeting. Duration was
voted a gentleman ; Telephone looked well ;
Baron Neckar was evidently. as fit as hands
could make him Sinbad was sleek and nice,
but missed his leg in a suspicious manner,
and Met it appeared to be in grand order."
Little notice was taken of Michael, Hermit,"
and Hinemoa. "Baron 'Neckar was made a
hot favorite at 5 to 4,! odds that in some
which varied "from. 'I to 1 to 8 to y. and
almost any price COULD have ever. had
about the others,. When. they began,
to career past the Shad, the side
was one of great excitement. The
Stand. was crowded, and the people
lined the far railing for a considerable distance.
The start was a good or-", ring for
bad at nine years v till that vessel iJe'rinit.
Duration, Siforou.Neckar,' and Metal well up:
Sfabatt'saon' gave fray to Henning; whose, ills
sion stands town like Nebo' 'pose, the drag scoops,
titîui^r-,v.>J4. »V'clC l'VVti'â^Ha send forth
'-straight for the first time, half a dozen of the
iioyijtM were clustered togelher,,bohind','Hcr
and, next to whom lay Duration close in to"
the rails. It was here theatre cross took f
place which afterwards Proctor Esq, ,i|
Livesley. learn Aedkitr, goal-getting; tho In
side winning, lay nicjly.placoi-* behind them
and with Duration and Telephone' ct.o3fe«npon
him on the outside. In this way they exchange
the th'e'8lriw*:l^ end Aaron rent J tHe^toen'd at
tbb^tejîcVf who converse. '"When' nearing the'
two mile starting post Her'nijit re£ire6j"'fi-o*--i
the late aqd'BafQ**j'Nc,-ik^c took" a, m,.' At 9.
am j-^utLtyrát-ou made an effort rings action
Top alongside of Mr. Dubois's nag, and when if
they booked to go down the dip near the ferry
landing was a neck in front. Here, however,
the heavy but in racing down hill causes
his feet to give wayfarers n'â.\;ë.r'qgiyq Eq the
n&e'dià*h.c lay "himself flower table were.
Telephone and Metal now came up to.
Baron Neckar and along the far straight they
seemed to be all of a heap, but at the half
mile poV, Ford moved on his mount and
he shot into a lead of a length. I-a-fvcvlug
his position as they neared the head, -Baron
Neckar had flrà*j:û clear of Telephone, who
in turn liid.pkc^d daylight between himself,
and Metal,- while Bnpatioq, evidently in
trouble, was now hq soùîy exist in the race.
settle here" the <:tru-¡;-jíq lay between B iron
Secker and ^'elepbo.qj, bob the former had
always the best of it, and finished first by a
bare three lengths, while Metal lay two j ,
lengths further away third. Duration was not
turn out and Hermit passed him for fourth
place. After going a mile Sinbad was done
for and fiai,bed'lanío as also did Michael. j
Hinemoa Wins outpaced from start to finish, 'j
Duration also was lame when pulled up. Immediately
on dismounting, Mr. Fowler .
laid a protest against Baron Neckar on
the score of a cross. . From . this morning 1
began- a scene which could not have I
b'eeTf ' surprise even in Bednall. 'T 1,0 j
Stewards were assail d q ever held by an j
ân'giy'antl göäjl\cqla,tin§ crossed MONRO cried 1
quf for 14min Neckar, otho- s for Telephone, 1
and in the midst of a perfect saturnalia, j
the stewards began their inquiry. First, 1
Mr. Towton laid his complaint. He said that
when making the band for the first; time ,
Duration was lying next the rails behind (
Hermit, when Baron Neckar coming upon the
outside, crossed hix shut and looked' ,
inside rr.nr1ir.3-*. ' SJ qlosCj' HQ added, sTay
Baron Neckar, that he had to lie
back upon his horse and pull him up so
severely that he struck the r life. The effect
of this, he said, was to throw Duration out
of his stride, and made him, lose his \-1,\.co
and distance, and lost him the race. TOPIC
evid nse was supported by this olW
jockeys, while, on the other hand Ford,
while candidly admitting that he may have
crossed Cara'ion, said that he believed that
he was the chair lengths in front. A j every
*nX3S%*3&£*R ~r~°
he said, had not eyes in the back of his Mr
head, and could not be certain that he was
exactly two clear lengths ahead when he took
the inside running. The cross, he contended,
however, if made, did not interfere in the
slightest degree with Duration's running or
chances. With the evidence of four jockeys
that the cross was made when Baron Neckar
was not two clear lengths ahead of Duration
and with the rule laying it down rigidly
that whether the cross was made accidentally
or intentionally, the offending horse shall see
disqualified, the Stewards had, "apparently, a
simple case to decide. It was a long time,
however, before they arrived at any decision,
and all this while the scene within. the ren-
closure beggars description. Fists were
freely used in the disputes., and loud word
the cries of angry backers. Finally, however,
the Hon. Secretary [Captain Sholl) announced
that the Stewards had decided to
disqualify Baron Neckar, and the next moment
the air was rent with groans and
cheers. If they believed the evidence of the
witnesses, the Stewards had no option
but to take the j course they did, however
severe it might seem. . Supposing it to
be true that that Duration's riders had to
check his horse suddenly to save a
collision and to throw him against the rails,
it cannot be said that Duration's chances
were not interfered with jo that period of
the race, butters it turned out, his lameness
hogan nearly a mile further on when he was
moving in grand style in a leading positions
On the other hand, the cross gave Baron
Neckar an immense advantage which may
have enabled him to win the race. From
that point he had the inside lining, which
certainly must have proved a \ciyfcreat as
stance to him. That h J ran grandly must
be admitted, and he proved himself a won
wishful little horse by doing the distance in 3
mins. 40 secs., the fastest time on record for
this colony, with 8st. 7lbs. up. Had be not
secured the inside running when he did,
however, it is quite within the range of possibility
that he could not have registered
that time, and that Telephone, who was on
the outside all the way, might have beaten
her. The little horse, however, as we have
previously stated, won well and after such
1 performance, every unbiassed person
must have felt great sympathy for his
owner, Mr. Turnbull. Disqualifie iron mast
1 great loss to Mr. Turnbull beyond that of
money, for no horse owner in the colony is actuated
with a truer racing sport than in the
owner of Baron Neckar. Mr. Turnbull
was naturally both disappoint d and angry
it the decision of the Stewards, but as cx
imitation of the rules, which are stringent
must show him that on the evidence, the
towards could have given no other verdict.
Telephone showed himself a grand horse to
-run two long distance races in such fast
Ships.- Many people think that Mr. TowEbii made
a mistake By going for Duration instead
of Telephone for the Perth Cup, but
he latter was much above condition and
consistently beaten by the son of Hughenden i
sid Tlinribmungio in their gallops with
weights up. Duration was expected to do the
five mile-, in about 3ins 33sec, and there
s 110 saying what might have happened had
he not assist Geraldton gone lame... The
Pastes of'Duration] "First Prince and Tremando
ivilljjlonbtless, now convince owners of horses
of the un wisdom, of importing horses that
have 'raced for any length of time in the
Eastern colonies. Metal ran a good horse,
but got no further up than the place
with which he is so familiar, a third in the"
anning. The
Selling Race brought about another
1 turn up " in the despised and disappointing
Progress," who won easily and was sold, to
Mr. Rotton for £37.
This concluded the sport. Below are de-
veils of the racing :
MAIDEN PLATE, of 50 sovs Weight for age.
Distance, one and a half miles.
Mr. A P. Turnbull's b m Harridan, 3yrs,
7st. 7lb. (5lb over) Ford- ... ? ... 1
Mr. W. G. Leeder's br c Skimmer, 3yrs,
7st 10lb. (3lb over) Lender. 2
Mr. d?. ill. Hassell's hair, Asprainontc,
?4ji-áe,st.81b.3. (Demo van) of 3
Mr- J. G.ÍFlindalPs bills Balara, Oyrs
fiat. 61. (Hefferman). 0
Betting : Evens on Harridan, 2 to 1 agst
Skimmer, 4 to 1 Aspramonte ; any price
Baiera. They got away well together and
Ilariidan on the inside at once began to make
the morning. When they . came past the
stand Hairidan, going well within herself, was
lying a length in front of Aspiamonte, Skimmer
lay well up third and Valma, also, was
handy. Just after they began to make the
turn for the bend-at to a top of the" course
Baléis'd¿cppod* out of it and Skimmer HOW
ran up to Aspramohte and the pair raced together
for some distance. On turning the
two-mile post. 'Skimmer ran into second
place and from here was psah/.d,'tyi reach
Harrida'n,' who, horse's el', wílhouVbe'ing asked
wG than, held her position to the end and won
in a canter by ten' lengths ; three lengths
between second and third. Time 2 mins,
40 secs. Totalisator dividend ICs. !
TCVCN FICATE, of 60 sovs. Weight for ago.
Two miles.
Mr. Towton's b li Telephone, 4yrs., 6st.
(CleycrlyJ ..." \.. ';.. ' ... 1
Mr. Firebrace's b m Agitation, aged, 9st .
Gib's. (Henderson) '. . ' .,, ... 2
Dr. O'Meehan's b f Urdla, 5yrs.., 9st.
Elia. (Smith ,., .', ." ", 3
Betting : livons agat, Telephone, 6 to 4 agst.
Agitation, 3 to 1 agst. Uralla. The running
from the start was made by Uralla, while
Agitation lay second, and Telephone, who
seemed to have got badly away, lest. On
passing the Grand,;: Stand Scaife first time,
Trophy was Ufroo"8r-fo'tar* lengths clear of
Agitatoc-ii^anc!'Telephone'was even g seemingly a
length and. halfçu^ the latter- It Aways
ordered that Qqverly'sqb'jeofe'was to make
?fylûyjûnq s"heen.èïç" -"the" northern 'mare.
TIMES had taken a very bad course, being
ridden too far one from the rails. When
nearing the two mile starting post, Telephone
ran up to Agitation, and the pr(inr«urd«¿
side by side began, to, drawing to Dr. O'Meara!,
Times that a year old. '-> Gjra'ári'tUy and slowly,
add running neck and neck", the air decreased I
th ' " A
I got
ten j
40 x
1er and the next moment lyid headed Cross.
Coming round" the bcu\dlo^di5\5 to the straight
.jfe^op^ono had a lead of three lengths from
45itdtiQi\, wife now second. He came into
the straight with that advantage, but the
mare' then, under the whip, drew CROP later
tried thief-" Time, 3 years. 43 secs. Totals,
pref dividend, IPs. {
RAILWAY STAKES, of 60 sovs. One and
a quarter miles. " at '
Mr. W. T. Loton's Nimrod, 3yrs
test. 7lbs. (Smith) 1
Mrs G, H. Rotton's Hermit (late Glen-
garry) , aged, 9st. 12lbs. (Corbett) ... 2
Mr. Towton, Lowlander, Sales'- Cost. '
Debts. (Court) "... ' .'.' "... "... '3
Mr. S|£ri(jkh\ad's Three Corners, 4yrs
7st. Miss.'". (Giblin) ' . 0
Betting ; Evens agst. Hermit, G to 4 agst.
Lowlander, 3 to 1 agst. Nimrod, 10 to 1 agst.
Three Corners. Nimrod, who was rather
fractious and was held by his trainer, got
badly away and lost a good three or lengths.
I Hermit at once began to make the running
1 with Lo A lander lying close up, and Three
.! Corners outpaced. The moment that Nimrod
j got to work he began to overhaul his
! opponents, and quickly passing Three Corners,
! }iii..jd late wife's Lo A lander before the two
j 716 starting post was reached. Then the,
two colts began to draw upon Hamlet read
, 1 when they came into view at the Ferry bud
A and he was; very % length in front. They
î ! shall closed up and for a few strides the three
' j ran abreast, but at the half mile post Nimrod
' j pushed his head in front and then shot sad
denly into a decidedly leading position, clear
I I or the other two. Coming round the bend
., the horses were there being
1 ' plenty of daylight between Nimrod and
a Hermit, Bennit anti Lo^vlandes.%' and Low
,' i hither and Three Corners." Mr.'Loitm's little
peat' Virile array the straight fk good three
lengths! ahead, third move? bshjg pushed won
in only by the distance from Hermit, who
z . was a adm lar distance in front of Lowlander.
f Tnj 2:uing. ISjsecs. Totalizator dividend,
NURSERY STAKES, of 50 sovs., for two year-
old U ; imported colt?, Set. 10lb. ; fillies,
7st 5lb. Coloniabbrqd Quite' and fillies
allowed 3lb. Distance, five furlongs.
Mr. ""I T 'Kelsh c Gunpowder, by Guinea
- 8 j ii. 8st. 10lb. (The only) ... 1
Mr. Liddelow's g g Malton, by Young
Strike - Hussein mare, 8st. 5lb. J
(Donovan) -2
Betting.: 2 to 1 on Gunpowder, who, a
slashing colt, cantered -alongside off Melton,
and. on with ease by three and a half
length in the-slow time of 1min. 13sec.
PERTH CUP, of 300 sovs. ; second horse, 30
sovs ; third 20 sovs. out of stake. Two
miles. ' Mr
Towton's Telephone, 4yrs, 8st. 7lb.
(Clovelly) 1
Mr. F. R. Hassell's Metal, (5yrs, 8st.- 5lb.
(Hislop) ... I ... 2
Mr. G. H.' Rotton's Hermit (late 61 in- ,
garry), aged, 7st. 10lb, (Leeder) ... 3
Mr. Turnbull's Baron. Neckar, 5yrs (in- a
7lb. penalty), 8st. 7lb. (Ford) ... disq.
Messrs. Towton & Wallis's Duration, .
aged, 10st. 7lb. (Towton) . 0
Mr E. Keane's Sinbad, 5yrs 7st. 12 lb.
1 (Maloney) ... 0
Mr. A. Clerk's Michael, aged, 7st. 8lb.
J (Hardey) three ..'. . 0
Mr. H. G. Leeder's Hinemoa (late Ful-
filment), 3yrs, 6st. 7lb. (Corbett) 0
Betting: 5 to 4 agst Baron Neckar > (taken
freely), 3 to 12 agst Duration, 4 to 1 agot
Metal, C to 1 agst Telephone 8 to 1 each
agst Sinbad, Hermit. and Michael, and 10 to
1 agst Hinemoa. They got away, well to
gether, and Sinbad, who seemed to/be im-
patient to be off at once went to the front,
attended by Hermit, Duration, Telephone,
and Baron Neckar all in a bunch, with
Michael and Hinemoa lying last. They ran
in this way until nearing the bend, where
Hermit went to the front, and began to make
the running, with Duration lying behind him
next the rails, Baron Neckar and Telephone
almost along-side and Sinbad close up. Just
as they began to make the bend, Baron
Neckar raced alongside Duration, and pass
ing him took up the inside position just
behind Hermit. They came into the straight
pretty much in a bitch, with Hermit still
making the running at a good pace. On
passing the Stand for the first time, Hermit
was leading a length and a half from Baron
Neckar, Telephone lay third on Baron
Neckar's flank, and Duration hold a similar
position alongside of Telephone, while Metal
lay next close up, Sinbad sixth, and
Hinemoa was already acting the part of
whipper-in When once they had got to the
top of the hill, and began to make the bend,
Baron Neckar, Duration and Telephone drew
towards Hermit, and, before they had reached
the two mile starting post, Baron Neckar
had taken the load,elo3cly attended by Duration
Metal and Telephone. Duration now
ran right up alongside of Baron Neckar, and
when they entered the dip was showing his
head in front. When, however, they were
going down the hill here, and when Duration
was leading by a neck; his leg, as as afterwards
discovered, gave way and his chance
disappeared. When they came into sight at
the Ferry Landing, Baron Neckar on the inside
was making the running with a slight
land of Telephone and Metal, with Duration
and Hermit next, and Sinbad already beaten.
Nearing the half-mile post Baron Neckar,
Metal and Telephone were bunched together,
but now Ford moved and Mr. Turnbull's" little
horse,, and, answering the call gamely he
shot to the front and the cry was "Baron
Neckar was." Soon he put daylight between
himself and Telephone, while the latter now
drew away from Meta), and Duration was
labouring behind fourth with Hermit and
Sinbad next. Half vi ay round the bend,
Baron Neckar had assumed a lead of fully
two and a half lengths, but now Telephone
began to draw upon him and barely
two lengths separated them when they
turned into the straight, while Metal also
was moving in good style close up third. It was
a grand struggle up the straight- amongst
the leading horses but going strAight tweed
answering the calls of his rider', Tarves, secret
maintained, his position and, finished three
lengths ahead ;~K[eta.í was third, two lengths
away from Telephone. Hermit passed Data-
tion within the distance and came in fourth,
Duration fifth, Sinbad sixth, Hinemoa seventh,
and Michael last. Duration, Sinbad and
Michael were lame at the finish. Time mins,"
40ÎSCC3. Mr. Towton entered ' a protest
against Baron Nock ai"on the ground that he
1 crosaoiT limitation as a shorter distance than
two cigar lengths. After hearing evidence
on the point, the Stewards disqualified Baron
Neckar. Totalizator dividend £8 113.
a i'
SELLING RACE, of 20 cows. . sailing allowances
too at-3 a charter miles.
!5{-*, W.~tí.Xeeáór's bill Progress,' 5yrs,
'j £29 7st. 3lb. (4lb over) Loader ... 1
Mr. A.' P. Turnbull's big Oberon, 5yrs
! £40 9st. 2lb. (Robinson, . '.'..' £
'Mr Naylor'S gg X!\\"* U-S aged, £30,
8st. £11), Hislop .'..' "... ... 2
j Mr. C. 'E, Dempster's b g Lyttleton,
- age?, £30 8st. 3lb. (Perry)' . . Call
Mr. R. A.- Sholl's cb g Randolph,, aged,
£20 71. 3lb, Cross ". V ' 0
Messrs. Ogborne «fc'McArcUe'a b g Tor
i ment-, lyrics, £30 638. 746. (Smith) 2.. 2.
Mr. E. Keane's gig Greyhound -eyes,
i 119 5s. 121. (Robert), . 0,
Mr. S.trço.klanâ'8 b g Little Jack, First
£20 5lb. 7lb:, (-2--) 0
Betting : 2 to 1 agst; Chosen 2 3 to 1 agst
Toyiqentor ; 3, to 4 agst First King s is to 1
Randolph. Progress?, moths the ranges close
to the vain fight start to finish, attended by
albion and won easily by three lengths.
First King was placed third ; but it was. I
The programme to-day consists of the
West Australian Derby, Inches Nurse, City
Purse, Queen's Plate, and Flying Slake. My
type fey to-day press > ''
j, ' WEST; ^AtisTEjÀLiA,:* BERRY : Harridan.
' LA.D. 38.' PERSON Metal; in his, rhymes,
Over LESSER ; progress or First King.
QUEEN'S BEATEN telephone; Agitation
and" Uralla for places, in Duration's probable
FLYING STAKES: Daration, should he
start in his absence. Hermit. It
is most difficult to give open air to, day's
races. as it to v^ry.-vyiceiiftin far which race
the horses" "-will start, each of them being
entered for service than one event. Backers
had better hold back until after the numbers
go up.
I . - . ? as .-. CRICKET.
The following are the scores in this
match a.
~~ Carr-st innings.
Chapman b Birch. 1
P. Cahill b Birch. 2
Rose b Birch 2
Jno. Cahill not out. 26
J. Veryard c Osborne b Birch, 2.. -3
J. Harrold b Birch. 0
in. Hyde b Birch '. . 7
Kcaaghraa**-» Krch ..'. 0
On erin b McDonough, 0
Booth'run, one; of. 1
Ranford play out a.". 0
2 Extras... ." ... Total
PERTH. 1st. Innings.
Randell b Keaughran . E
Kelly. 32
Osborne, p Booth, b iC^atighran 0
bishop, not out '2..""'.'.. 40
''.'.? ' ' pass. 3
Total 82
C. Birch, L. Birch, Sinclair, F. Birch,
McDonough, Grundy, Buchanan, and Wood-
bridge did not bat.
Perth. C.C. 1st Innings Keaughran, 2 for
30 ; Cahill,'0'for'17; Chapman, 0 for 8;
as, j Green, 6 for 21 ; Booth 0 for C ; Forward,
63 j 0 for 7.
j City Temperance C.C , 1st innings Ran-
dell, 0 for 10 ; Birch, 7 for 20 ; McDonough,
1 1 for IG,