Page 6 - AN ENGINE.
"The sum of two numbers is 80," suddenly declared Professor Rackbrane one morning, "and the difference of their squares is 1,600. What are the numbers?" ...
Article : 34 words view this article(1) A-GATE, G-RATIFY, W-INCH, J-AUNT, S-CAMP, I-CON. Rearrange the six heads and we get JIG-SAW. (2) 3, 4, and 5, 3) The answer is 0. (4) There and three-quarter years ...
Article : 42 words view this article{No abstract available}
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Advertising : 703 words view this articleCertain letters of the following quotations are represented by x's. Can you find them? xE xAx x Cxxaxd xO Txx SxxONx; ...
Article : 48 words view this articleAndrew bought a horse for £80 and sold it to Bates at a certain rate per cent, of gain. Bates sold it to Carter at the same rate per cent, of gain. Carter paid ...
Article : 57 words view this articleToodyay, it is said, derives its name from a native word signifying beauty, and, in the opinion of all who have visited the town, its name is well deserved, for it is ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 866 words view this articleMy first is in action, but not in deed. My second is in plant, but not in weed. My third is in land, but not in sea. My forth is in drink, but not in tea ...
Article : 113 words view this articleIn a garden was laid, A most beautiful maid. As ever was seen in the morn. She was made a wife. ...
Article : 40 words view this articleAfter months of preparation, the Post master-General's Department has opened a service for the transmission at pictures between Melbourne and Sydney. Left: The picture is wrapped around a cylinder which is placed in the transmitting apparatus. Right: The sensitive control switchboard. The transmission of a picture from Sydney to Melbourne occupies only 15 minutes. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 115 words view this articleMarbles, tops and other school boy playthings have their seasons, but this form of locomotion will be perennial so long as old tyres are discarded. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 57 words view this articleThe R.M.S. Mauretania, the veteran liner which held for many years the speed record for the Atlantic crossing, passing the Gloster Napier Golden Butterfly Schneider trophy 'plane as it lay on a slip at Calshot ready for a speed trial. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 90 words view this articleEach year the spring poultry keepers are faced with a big surplus of eggs over local requirements. For many years at tempts have been made to solve this ...
Article : 714 words view this articleIn his "Adventures with Bernard Shaw," Mr. Dan Rider says that at first sight he mistook Shaw for an insurance canvasser (this was many years ago) until ...
Article : 437 words view this article"Anxious" (Darlington), asks what is wrong with her turkey hens, which will not eat and are moping. It would appear that these birds have been ...
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