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(From our own Correspondent.)
2 . e. l day, Deo. 4.
SPresent:-Thei'Warde'n 'and Councillors
Gibson, Dowie, Stewart, Bryan, Atkins,! and
The minutes of last meeting were read and
The Warden said he had very little business
to bring before the Council, the principal
being the agreement of the contractor, J. W.
Lloyd, which was read and approved of. -
The letter from Mrs. Hood offering a piece
of land for building Municipal Offices on, was
taken into consideration, when it was resolved'
that the thanks of the Council be conveyed to
Mrs. Hood for her. offer, but that she be in
formed that the piece of land is not suffi-
cently large enough for the purpose. .
Mr. John Williatt offered a piece of ground
verbally, when it was resolved that Mr.
Willlatt point out to the Council the piece of
ground and make an offer of the same in
writing, the same to be taken into considera
tion on Thursday next.
Redolv.d-."That the Esae of £2 10s (quite
ter's rent fcr constables' station at the Whatr
Hills), be paid to Pbter Cameron.,
Resolved-" That a letter he written to Mfr.
T. rBartley, requesting his permission in
writing to allow bricks to be made on a picc
of land in the occupation of the ev. R. Rus.
The Warden brought before the Council the
necessity of having constables' station built at
Deddington, when It -was resolved that it
ahould be taken into conslderation it the next
monthly meeting .. .. .