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Mr. Ross McLarty, the
Premier, will leave for Kal
goorlie by train tomorrow and
will return to Perth on Tues
day morning. While in Kal
goorlie he will address a
meeting in support of Mr. F.
B. Hicks, the Liberal candidate
in the Hannans by-election.
Mr. L. C. Nimmo, ML.A.,
returned from Melbourne by
train yesterday.
Brig. C. E. Prior, of Sydney,
has arrived in Batavia to suc
ceed Col. A. B. MacDonald as
senior Australian military ob
server with the United Nations
Commission for Indonesia. He
will be in command of the staff
of 15 Australian military ob
Messrs. H. M. MacNee and
W. D. Wright, whose term as
members of the Transport
Board expired last Friday,
would be reappointed on a
temporary basis, the Minister
for Transport (Mr. Seward)
said yesterday.
The Rev. J. H. Litten, principal
of the National Children's
Homes and secretary of' the
National Council of Associated
Children's Homes, England, ar
rived from Adelaide last night
by air. Before rejoining the
Orontes at Fremantle on Sun
day for England he will visit
the Fairbridge farm at Pinjarra
and the Methodist children's
homes at Werribee and Victoria
Park. Since October he has
been in Australia in connection
with the migration of children
young skilled workers and
nominated families from Eng
Mr. Norman Napier Birks
died in Adelaide yesterday at
the age of 42 after a long ill
ness. Mr. Birks, who was
managing-director of Motors
Ltd., was a first-class air pilot,
speed driver and gun shot. In
1925 he was one of the original
members of the Cambridge
University Air Squadron and
was awarded his wings in the
Mr. A. W. Crooks will leave
by air for Sydney tonight to
attend the annual conference of
the Milk Producers' Associa
tion of Australia, of which he is
general president. He expects to
be away for about ten days.