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His Excellency the Governor and the
Misses Bosanquet will be present at the
S.A.J.C. New Year's Dev meeting.
Sir John and Lady Forrest reached Ade«
laide on Friday morning by the Melbourne
express on their letnrn to Western Aus-
tralia to «spend Christmas at their home.
They were met at the Adelaide railway-
station bv Sir Samuel Way. They sailed
by the mail steamer in the afternoon.
The Hon. Joseph Cook, M.H.R., deputy
leader of the Opposition in. the Federal
Parliament, reached Adelaide by the Mel-
bourne express on Friday morning. In thti
evening he "»poke at the Rechabite Hall,
Hindmarsh, on "Fed3r-ijl Politics." The
meet ng was arranged, by the liberal
Union. *
Admiral W. H. Henderson and his daugh-
ter, who have been to New Zealand and the
eastern States for a holiday, and during the
.nnst few dave, have been the guest« of hi«
Excellency the Governor at Marble Hjïl. left
hv the R.M.S. Otranto on Friday for
Our Mount Gambier correspondent tele-
graphed last night:-The mayoress. Miss1
McDonald, died at noon to-day, after a
long iflnef« She was born at Mount Gam-
bier in 1855, and with the exception of a
few years spent in Scotland, had resided
here ever since. She was one of the first
white children born _ here, and for nine
years filled the position ot mayoress, 4 tier
brother. Dr. C. C. McDonald, occupying
the chair. Mrs. W. McGregor and( the "pre
-ent mayor are the only remaining mem-
bers of the family. Both in public and
private the late mayoress enjoyed much
popularity, and like ber brother filled her
high position with much dignity. The news'
of her death, although in a measure ex-
pected, was received with much regret.
The "Roman Catholic Bishop of Port
Augusta (Dr. Norton) returned to-' Ade
laiile from Melbourne by the express on
Friday morning on his way back to bia
diocese. '
Mr. Victor Marm Newland, a ron of
*Mr. Simpson Newland, of Ade'aide. and a
resident of Africa, wa« a passenger by the
Delhi, which was wrecked at Cape Sparte!,
Morocco, on Tuesday. " >
Mr. Hugh T. M. Angwin, B.Sc., who re-
ceived the diploma of applied science at
the University on Wednesday and the
fellowship of the School of Mines on Thurs-
day, took no fewer than 14 first-classes
during his course. He has followed closely
in the footsteps of his brother, Mr. Wil-
liam B. Angwin, B.Sc. of Walywim,
Western Australia, who .took a similar
number of first-classes, and who was the
hrst student to obtain the fellowship of
the School of Manes in metallurgy. They
are sons of the Rev. T. B. Angwin, M.A.,
of Prospect.
Among the vpassengers on the R.M.S.
Otianto on Friday was Miss Ethel Doenan
(Elder scholar for pianoforte playing of the
Adelaide Con^rvatorium of Music), who,
accompanied by her mother, is proceeding
to London to complete her musical studies.
Mr. S. Smith, of the clerical staff at
Morgan station, has been transferred to
the staff of relieving stationmasters for
country lines, ana will probably be located
on the northern division of narrow gauge
lines. The transfer is a promotion. Mr. -
Smith has onlv been on the broad ganga
division for a few months.
The teachers of the Norwood District
High School vesterday said good-bye to
Miss Lizzie Hales B.A., who is leaving
the Education Department. t Mr. v. o.
Pavía (headmaster), in eulogistic terms re-
ferred to Miss Hales* connection with the
school, the value of her work there, and
the high esteem in which she wai held by
teacher« and scholars. , Mr. MacCarthv
and Míes Langsford also spoke. Miss
Hales 'was presented with a silver hot-
water kettle and stand.
Mr. A. Rutter Clarke was a passenger
to Adelaide by the Melbourne expresa on
Friday. He is on_ his way to England,
where he will remain for at least twelve
months. His wife and family are accom-
panying him.
Mr. Paris Nesbit, K.CL, returned to Ade-
laide by the Melbourne express on Fri-
day. '
Miss Ruby C. E. Davy, Mus. Bac., has
been appointed to act as teacher of theory
of music at the Elder Conservatorium dur-
ing the absence of Mr. T. H. Jones, Mus«
Bac, from the Slate.
Mr. Bryceeon Treharne sailed on Friday
by the R.M.S. Otranto for England, where .
he .intends to remain. Mr. Or. T. Maxfield
(superintendent steward of the Adelaide
Steamship Company) and Mrs. Maxfield
were also passengers. Mr. Maxfield is
visiting the United Kingdom in connection
with the company's business. He will be
absent about a year. Sir John Quick,'
and Senator Henderson were passengcra by¡
the vessel to Fremantle.
Dr. J. A. G. Hamilton leaves by steamet
to-day to spend a short holiday with
his sons in Western Australia.
Mr. Will Ashton baa received a letter of
congratulation fiom Mr. E. M. Collins, who
recently purchased his large "landscape,
"crummer Time," which was exhibited at
the laat exhibition of the Royal Art Society
of New ¿outh Wales, and highly spoken of
in the Sydney press. Mr. W. H. Ifould
and Mr. Shadforth have been visitors to» ,
Mr. Ashton's studios during the past weet
and have purchased examples of his work.
"The Studio," an English publication, will
reproduce one of his works which was pur-
chased for the Perth Art Gallery at an
exiiibition recently held in Perth.
Mr. T. A. Le Messurier, M.A., B.Sc., of
Vine-street, Prospect, has the honor of
being the fiist graduate of the Adela;de
University to publish a mathematical work.
It is a well bound and well printed key to
Profesor Johnson's "Differential Equa.
fions." The publishers are Wiley ¿fc Sons,
of New York. It deals with a realm of
mathematics which is above the s andard,
of colleges, but the work will be of great
service to advanced University students.
The Rev. C. H. Nield, secretary of . ths
S.A. Anti-Gambling League, who has been
lecturing on Kangaroo Island in the in-
terests of the league, returned to the citjj
on Thursday by the Karatta.
Mr. D. H. Hollidge, MA, principal of
Kyre College, who has been appointed act-
ing professor of classics during the absence
in England of Professor H. Darnley Nay-
lor, will continue to supervise the work:
of Kyre College. Mr. J. F. Ward will act
as assistant lecturer, and fill the position
held by Mr. HoUidge for the last fiv«
Mr. W. J. White, of Unley, who received
the diploma of applied science and fellow-
ship of the School of Mines this week, re
centlv secured^ a first-class in mechanical
engineering IV., a feat that had never pre-
viously been accomplished.
Major Coxon, who arrived on Tuesday
on the annual inspection of the nmimini
lion siroplies in the ordnance stores, left
bv ihe Melbourne express on Friday alter
The death is announced of Mr. C. A»
Mumme, who was for 30 years in business
in Rundle-street, Adelaide, as a jeweller.
Mr. Mumme died at his residence, Fourth
avenue, East Adelaide, in his 57th year, and
left a widow. He came to South Australia
with his father (Mr. P. W. Mumme) from
Hamburg in ,1857, and has been a -resident
of the State ever since. '^He was educated
at the Lutheran school. Mount Gamfaksv.