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Considerable surprise and not a little re-
gret will be ocesasioncd - by the announce-
ment that Mr. H. -J. Holden, one of the
representatives of the municipal corpora-
tions, has resigned his position on the
Tramways Trust. In reply to a question
on the subject on Friday the Chairman of
the Trust (Mr. A. B. Moncrieff, C.M.G.),
said:-"If, Mr. Holden is resigning he has
to put his resignation in writing, and
that has not reached me." Nevertheless
Mr. H. .J. Holden. Help
Mr. H. .J. Holden.
it is stated on excellent authority that
Mr. Holden announccd his resignation on
a meeting of the Trust on Tuesday, and
that he has handed in his pass. When
spoken to by a reporter yestefday he de-
clined to make any-statement.
It is understood irom other sources, how=
ever, that Mr. Holden has had a difference
with members or a member of the Trust,
and there may be interesting develop-
ments. This is the first case of a resig-
nation from the Trust in what may be
called unpleasant circumstances.
Mr. Holden basbeen connected with the
Trust since its inception, and, indeed
he was one of the promoters of the muni-
cipal tramways scheme. With the late
Hon. T. Bruce (Mayor of Adelaide) and
Mr. Angas Parsons, K.C, M.P., he, as a
representative of the suburban municipali-
ties, collaborated with the late Hon. T.
Price (Premier) in the preparation of the
Tramways Bill. He was engaged in the
work for seven months, and had more than
seventy meetings with Mr. Price. Mr.
Holden was a member of the first Munici-
pal Tramways Trust,,and he has repre-
sented the suburban municipalities ever
since. He has twice been Mayor of Nor-
wood for extended terms, and he has a
remarkably fine record of municipal ser-