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The Speaker of the Honse- of' Assembly
{Sir Jcnkin. Coles) rtftnrncd to Adelaide
From Mellxmrne by tlie express on Fridaj
The General Officer Commanding the
Commonwealth military forces (Sir
Edward Hutton) will arrive in Ade
laide on March 25 on official busi
ness. He will remain until April
3. During his stay he will visit the
site for the Easter camps, and will in
spect the forts and the Army Medical
Corps. Sir Edward Hutton will be ac
companied by Capt. White, R.A.A., A.D.C.
The Director-General of the Medical Ser
vice (Gen. Williams) will also visit the
state, for the impose of supervising the
special course of instruction for the officers
of the Australian Army Medical Corps,
which will extend from March 21 to March
The ex-Premier of Victoria and Mrs:
irvihe sailed ? from Melbourne ou Friday
by the steamer Sophocles on. a holiday vtat
to the mother country. - There was-u large
and representative gathering at the wharf
to see them off. ?
Hrig.-Gcn. Gordon (Military Coinmau
d^nt of Victoria), who has lken suffering
considerable l»im from an old injury to
bis ankle, was operated upon in Melbourne,
on Friday. The ' operation was 'successful,
and it is expected that he will be fully re
covered in two or three weclcs.
Considerable surprise vvns caused at
Spencer Street Station on Friday afternoon
when it was seen that the llev. J. A.
Duwic was a passenger by the outgoing
Adelaide express. Enquirers at Zion
Tabernacle were informed tliat Mr. Dowie
had gone to Adelaide, and would not be
back in Melbourne for Sunday's meeting.
During his absence from the sister capital
die service will be managed by Pastor
Sir Samuel Davenport, who was a mem
ber of the old nominee Legislative Council
and Commisriiouer of Piublio Works in the
i:r.4 (Mr. li. T. Finndss's, 1S5S) .md
third (Mr. R. It. Torrens'H, 1857) MitiLstrics
after the ostabSislimcnt of responsible go
vernment in South Australia, will cele
brate his eighty-sixth birthday to-day.
The Rev. R. Taylor, pastor of the Good
wood and Southwark IJaptist Cirarches, has
accepted a unauimoas 'call to the pastorate
of the Gunieracha and Kcnton Valley
Chuvclws. Mr. Taylor wii] enter upon his j
duties in Iiis new sphere ou March 20.
The Commiftioner of Public Works
(lion. R. W. Foster) will leave Adelaide
to-day, in company with Mr. J. F. Mar
tin, of Gawlcr, lor Blimnan. where he will
inspect the Minman Mine, which is bang
developed by an English eomjiany. From
that town Mr. Foster wili be accompanied
by Mr. S. Matheson, of BuckJand Park,
to his brother's stations, Nilpeua and Tn.e j
Myrtle. 'I he Commissioner will be absent !
Irom the city for a week. j
Mr. Jjujgoyne, M.P., was on Friday evcn-|
ing re-elected J'residcnt of the Inmitutcs'
Association. Since its inauKUKitwii four
years ago he has «sarpied Uie j)csition im
interniptedly, and although he wished, to i
stand a.side in favour of 'ne.v blood' mem- j
bors wculd not hear of it. I
At the Methodist Conference in Mel
bourne on Friu'ay the Rev. S. T. Withing
ton (President of the Luuncc-ston district)
was unanmiously elected President of the
Methodist Council of Tasmania.
At tlie annual meeting of. the Institutes'
Association on Friday evening Mr. F. 1-).
Mcleng M'as re-elected genenil secretary
nnd treasurer, un ollice whach he has filled
with zeal and credit. Mr. Mcleng vnn- pre
sented Avit'h a capital poilirait in oils of
himself, which had been tastefully executed
by the President of the Association (Mr.
liurgoyiie, M.P.).
'Che following is the full list of delegates
wiio have l-cen elected to attend the gene
ral, conference at Melbourne in May in
behalf of Hie South Australian Confe
rence of the Methodist Church:— R.cvs.
O. H. Ingainclls. J, 1). Langsford, 1L J.
Pope, Dr. Burgess,' B. Wiblwrley. ¥.. T.i
Cox, A. Martin, W. G. Clarke, II. How- '
ard, J. Collings, and W. F. .lames. Sir!
Samuel Way. Rp. Sir Frederick Holder,
Hon. A. Catt, M.P., 'Dr. Brummitt, Dr.
Torr, Messrs. J. C. Haslam, J. Ashton,
T. Drew, A. Jjanssford, T. ]'. Axford, J,
W. GDlingliani, ,1. Hill, and .T. H. Gar
trdl; substitute representatives— Revs. A
J. iiurt. W. H. Gum, R. S. Casely, V. J.
Curwood, 0. Lake, W. A Langsford. C.
H. Neild. W. A. Potte, V. Roberts, S.
Rossit-:r, J. Watts. A. W. Wellington, and
T. G. White, Messrs. A. C. Catt, A. E.
Bavey. E. Davey, F. H. Griffiths. E. E. Mit
chell, J. Mitchell, D. Nock. C. 0. Oldham,
?F. F. Pakunountain,. W. T. liofe, W. R.
Stephenson, J. C. Sj-mons, and D. J. Wel
At the annual meeting of the Local Go
vtinnient Association, held oa Friday, Mr.
J. T. Mellor was elected President.
Dr. F. E. Clark, founder of the Christian
Endeavour movement, who earae to Ade
laide in connection with the -local conven
tion, left for Melbourne by 'the -express on
Thursday afternoon. He wus accompanied
hy his daughter and Mr. H. N. lTolmcs
Ihon. general secrctsirj' of the Christian
Endeavour Union). They will attend tin:
Endeavour Convention in Mellionrcc. A
large number of Endearairei-s and other
Christian workers, including the llev.
Percy 11. Riley (President of the Endeavour
Union), Mrs. Charles Birks '(President of
the W.C.T.U.). Mr. H. II'. McKediuie
(\'ifo-Prei-ident of the union), the Revs.
Joseph Robertson, M.A., W. G. Marsh, and
J. G. Raws, and Mr. H. A. Wheeler die
nend secretary of the Y.M.C.A.). were on
the platform to bid the jwrty goodby. Ag
the train steamed oirt the hymn 'God be
with you till we meet ;igain' was aing.
Mr. Samuel C. Ijang, who died at Mount
Barker Springs on Misreh 1, was an old
resident of the district, m which he had
a good deal of landed property. The dc
ci'iis-ed, who was 74 years of iige, :tnd Jiad
been ailing for sonwj time, was a. member
of the Loyal Britannia [xnlge of Oddfel
lows at Mount B;uker. A gro;vn-up
family sim-iveb.
One. of (he most interested gentlemen at
the conference of the Australasian Na
tional League- on Friday was Mr. John
Darling. Towards the end of the meet
ing he became very ill, and the Mayor of
Adelaide (Mr. Cohen, M.P.) took tlw vete
ran by the arm and helped him out of the
room. Mr. John Darling, jun., M.P., who
was on the platform, went to the assist
ance of his father, who was taken to the
Mayor's parlour. After resting IVir some
time Mr. Darling recovered.
At the annual meeting of the Municipal
Association, held on Friday, the Mayor of
Norwood (Mr. II. J. Holden) was elected
President and Mr. F. King (Mayor of
Hindmarsh) Vice-President.