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? . ._
Rough Work in Running-Several Horses Interfered With-Stephens Suspended
for Three Months-High Rock Wins the Weight-for-Age-Místico Unplaced
Champion's Display Inquired Into-Hamburg, Adaleila and Jacky order Succeed
Again-Early Morn's Easy Win.
Till; W.A.TiC. meeting was advance! ,
a. further stage yesterday in warm j
but not unpleasant weather. The at- |
tendance numbered 5400, which is 135
more than last year, though it must j
be remembered that last Railway '
Stakes day was not ti holiday. Th*
racing was ot a. moat interesting na-
ture, though it was not as clear, as
on the first two days, and the stipen-
diary stewards had a very busy day.
Backers, on the whole, had a little the
better of the battle with the book¿,
though the defeats of Lucky Escape
in the RaHwav Stakes and Mistico ir.
the All-Aged Stakes were bitter pins
to swallow. After Irish Knight had
won the Perth Cup the pencillers
would have sold out of their double
books easily, but Simple Maid pulled
them out of the mud, though the win-
ning double was backed for a little ;
in the early stages of the betting.
As we have said, the stipendiary
stewards had a very busy day. After
the Jumpers' Flat Race R. Burns, the |
ow ner and trainer of Louvima, was
fined J-10 for the late scratching ot
the mare. The running of Kelowna
in the Swan Handicap was questioned.
1 but after T. J. Stratton (the owner
and trainer) and Forsyth (the jocke>. )
had been examined tn? explanation
tendered was accepted. Some of the
well-fancied horses, including the two
favorites, wert badly interfered with
lu the Railway Stakes, and after th'j
rac* Oie stewards held an inquiry,
which resulted in J. Stephens, the
riâer of Fantarie. Ix-ing suspended for
three months. {Stephens is the same
jockey who piloted Irish Knight to
victory in the Perth Cup on Wednes-^
day last Alter the AH:Aged Stakes
aa inquiry was opened into the nia-
ning of Místico and adjourned. Fin
ÎUIV. after the Federal Handicap, lt.
Ii. "Thomas (rider of Jillawarra) and
Chandler (rider of Maximes) lodged a
complaint ot interference against For-
syth, the pilot ot LockllinL The ste-
wards went ver}- full}' into the com-
plaint, when they decided to caution
all the boys.
Backers opened the ball well, for
notwithstanding that he had gone up
101b. in the weights while most of the
others had been reduced, they still
fancied Hamburg as the pick of the
basket in the Jumpers' Flat Race, and
bal ked Tiim down to C to 4 in a lie'.d of
10. The favorite was ridden a patient
race by Barden, and after Cap and
Bells had got to the front at the dis-
tance Hamburg cut him down and
won easily from Celloist. who put in a
late run. Sir Rhubarb. Adaleila.
and Houseboy shared favoritism for
t!ic Swan Handicap, and the imported
mare won pretty comfortably from
Mervi (who dropped from the clouds)
and the unlucky « Galtee Vi iacess.
Mervi will J»H4i£e watching to-mor-
row. i''**'^"5*^**"^
The field /orJ3l*4taawAYTStó^ was
finally vrivtö~ß&^-Z&:w&&&&L
abroad thj^-2|^d^^|toteafe jj^jCäShot
suffered in^S^i^Vtó^í^i^stóÉNi,
race in the Perth TJsfoaiSdTl^ Wjnatf.
H of IheWc^SÄfeia^st
no further for*"*»
'ight's stable ctun
, Jch»BriIMi«vt. was next iu de
C Ko 1 -j nd l ar tv.-o 109 I» 7
-Against Simple Maid.
f|; . 4 -was freely offered.
I described, for Sim
front in the first
fained there till the
J>ugh left in her to
lined challenge first
then by Master Test,
the îatter "tmlvjuffering a Ugad defeat
(his third secbii., of the meeting). The
race waS'-not a all cleanly run, and
boll» the faroiics were the greatest
sufferers. Thc l'.'eld had only gone a
furlong when tintarle bumped on to
Golden Mead, vim in turn bumped
Kirn, and the latter in consequence
buir.ped Lucky Escape. The chauce3
or the trio menloned were thus badly
a fleeted. The stewards considered
Stephens culpalie in connection with
thc interference and suspended him
for three month-.
Jackyarder foiowed up his Cup Day
success by tafcLs the Welter llandi
for which l-.e started a warm
¿rorite, from a couple of outsiders in
ndlllyan Giftand Kilsyth, and then
r Seven came out o do battle at weight -
* for-age over th« seven furlongs of the
. All-Aged Stake-; Early in the bet
L'd have been obtained
the death-knock
anded 5 to 4. Lucky
supported at 7 to
5's, while 10 to 1
; Jolly Beggar.- The
pected. Thc favorite
EJsitened danger. Lucky
as pacemaker, and Jed
into the straigit. Then Jolly. Beggar
ran to the frtnt. and at the distance
his victory wa: being loudly proclaim-
ed. Just thm. -however. Matthews
brought High Ikjck along with a well
timed run on the ri, .ls. and it was the
end of all of them. The race was
run ia 1.26 4T5. jvhieh is only 1 1-5sec.
outside the. .Westralian record for the'
distance made by Jollv Beggar in
1910. .
Analysis was Hie opening favorite
for the Federal Handicap, but at the
finish a lot of money came for Ea riv
Morn, and thc- pair went out cciually in
deraand at 3 to t. Analvsis mn dis-
appointingly, but Early Morn was al-
ways in a good pVsitión. and won com-
fortably from Mavimcs and Lockftint
Fo.Uowing are^the details: -
CT 250 sovs.; secood iv and third 2i
sovs.- from stake. About one mile
and five furlongs.
£131 '10/-V. F. Plover's b g ISAM:
BURG, by Pistol ' (imp.»-First
Fleece, 11.12 (Bar'joni. 1
£18-Celloisl. 11.4 (ti?ron) ...... 2
£51/10/-Sir Rhubarb, ll .r. t Mooney) 3
Other starters: j£S-West Park
12.11 (Forbes). £C-J-^-Mnonj oon 11.13
iFlnktis), £82/10/-Bombardier 10.S
(Spiers), £35-Cap and Bells 10.7
(¡'¡etcher}, £3/10/-Liberator 9.4
(Cragg), £17/10/ - Mcsboy ».3
(M'Gowan), £16/10/-Ridotto 9.0
netting: 6 to 4 agst Hamburg. 9 lo 2
Moonyocn. f to 1 Celloist or Sir Rhu-
barb. 7 to 1 Cap and Bells, 10 to 1
Bombardier, 12 to 1 West Turk, 20 to 1
To Le: ISnolosure. straight-out
£356; div., £1.4/. Place-CHS
IC; divs.. 21/. £ 1/13', £1/7.'. Leger,
siraight-oui -.C70 15'; div, 1«.-. Place'
- £300/15/; divs., 7/. 15/, ic-'. i
Ridotto was lirst tv break the Hue, j
with West Park kial to move. Ridutiö !
lcd the way ¡ruo Ike straight from i
Moonyoon, ! Cap and Bells. Sir Rhu- I
barb, Mosboy ami Hamburg, with Cel- !
Ini^t and West Park last. Passing the |
stand Sir Rhubarb was nut two !
lengths in front ol" Moonyoon. Ridotto. j
Cap and Bell:--, Mosboy, Hamburg, j
Bombardier and West Park, with Ce!- j
lnist last. Out of Ihe straight tile or- ?
der was the sameyand at tue mile post !
Sir Rhubarb was still bowling along Í
in front of Moonyoon, Ridotto, Cap j
arid Belle and the others bunched. I
with CWloist lasL Atathe six furl..n<;s j
_Kir Rhubarb was «vt three ic-ngtiis j
)pn, and Bells. Ham- j
? yássi Park and Mosboy. I
)rto»- last. Half a mile j
Sir Rhubarb Just bad his
rrronHf>f Cap and Bells. Moon- I
id IiamburgjJU*n coming Oel- j
.^UberAio^pÎr Rhubarb led j
into thc straight just in front of Cap
and Bells and Hamburg. At thc dis-
tante Cap and Bells and Ham-
burg were on terms, but the favorite
then forged to the front and won eas-
ily by two abd a half lengths from
Celloist, who finished fast and beat
Sa- Rhubarb by a length and a half for
second place. Cai) and lieus was half
a head away fourth. Ridotto, Mosboy,
West Park and Liberator next, and
Bombardier last. Time, 2.58S.
(Winner trained by P. F. Flower.)
Of 250 sovs.; second 50 and third 26
sovs. from stake. Seven furlongs.
£110-M. Roche's b m AD ALEILA,
(imp.), by Galloping Lad-Tress,
9.7 (Brennan). 1
£13-Mervi, 7.6 (M'Pherson). 2
£07/10/ - Galtee Princess, 9.0
(Lowe). 3
Other starters: £8-Coolagunyah
9.4 (Truscott), £2/10/-Kwasind, S.1S
(Barden), £115 - Houseboy 8.8
(Young), £18-Kelowna 8.4 (For-
syth), £35/10/-Falsifier 7.12 (Crack-
nell). £23/10/-Western Knight 7.7
(O'keefe), £23/10/-Jillawarra 6.7
(Walker), £20/10,'-Queen Maude 6.7
(Stephens», £49/10/-Regem ?.7. car.
6.S* (Chandler).
Betting: S to 2 Adaleila or House-
boy, 6 to 1 Galtee Princess, 12 to 1
Queen Maude or Regem. 15 to 20 to 1
.Tote: Knclostjre, Btraighl-out-£504
10/; div., £2/1,'. Place- £1621/10/;
divs., 17/, £4/7/. 16A Leger, straight
tut-£104/15/; div., £1/2/. Place
£414: divs.. 9/, £1/17/, 10/.
Queen Maude, Houseboy, and Ke-
lowna were ? the first to anticipate the
rise of the barrier, but when they had
settled down Kelov/na was showing
the .way to Regem. Houseboy, Galtee
Princess, and Adaleila, with Kwasind
last. Along the back Regem ran td the
front, and at the half-mile was just
clear of Kelowna and eWstern Knight.
Passing the three furlongs the order
clear' of Kelowna and Western Knight.
Houseboy, Galtee Princess-. Coolagun-
yah, Adaleila. and Queen Maude, with
Kwasind still last. . Kelowna then ran
to the front, and led into the straight
from- Western Knight. Regem, Galtee
Princess, and Adaleila. The last men-
tioned then put in a fast run, and at
the distance was on terms with the
leaders. She then came away, and
wiui comfortably by a length from
Merv:, -who came from the rear, and
defeated Galtee Princess by two
lengths for second place. Kelowna
was fourth. Houseboy. Western
Knight, and Kwasind next, and Jilla-
warra and Coolagunyah tho last two
with the exceptio'.; of Falsifier, who
hpike. down ? bad'-y and walked iu.
£ i'pS3r~rjHaM3^
MAID, by 1-1 a \ us- nHm^J^-Bosy
Bee, 7.12 (Chandler) .. .. Tr^^jl
£43/10/-Master Test S.3 (Leonard) 2
£32/10/-Fantarie (imp.), 7.0, inc.
71b. penalty (Stephens). 3
Other starters: £33^Galtee Queen
8.13 (Lowe), £4S-Werenda S.5 (Mat-
thews). £11/10/-Kirn S.2 (G'Keefe).
£11/10/-Lord Flavus 8.2 (Darcy),
j £104-Golden Mead 7.9 (M'Pherson).
£323-Lucky Escape, inc. 71b. lien.,
7.1 (Young). £ 17-Crystabel 7.0
(Sampson),-. £37. '10/ - Canterbury
Chick 6.10 (Thomas). £5/10/-Vinalia,
car. C.8Ï. 6.7 (Spooner), £14-Fini -
tus C.7 (Watts).
' Betting: 5 to 4 on Lucky Escape, 6
to 1 agst Golden Mead, 14 to 1 agst
Werenaa. Master Test and Canter-
bury Chicle, 16 to 1 Galtee Queen and
Fantaire, 25 to 1 (Simple Maid) to'33
to 1 others.
Tote: Enclosure, straight-out
£69S: div., £1S.'9. Plac?-£2206
10/; divs., £4/9/, £1/16/. £2/4/.
Leger, straight-out- £ 143 10,'; div.,
£11/14/. Place-£568/5'; divs.,
£1/19.', £1/1/. £1'1/.
Galtee Queen was on the rails and
Vinalia on the extreme outside. From
a bad.start Galtee Queen was first to
show out .from-Vinalia,. Fontario and
Simple Maid, with Crystabel last.
Simple Maid- Quickly ran .to the front,
and led out of the straight from Vin-
alia. Galtee .Queen and Master Test
(Lucky Escape at this stage getting
a bad bump), with -Crystabel -whip-
ping in. Passing the mile post the
order - was Simple Maid, Master Test,
Vinalia,- . Galtee - Queen, Canterbury
Chick. - Fantarie, Golden Mead and
Lord Flavus, with' the favorite second
last. - Along the back Simple Maid
still showed the way to .Master Test,
Galtee Queen ,and Vinalia. and five
furlongs from home the imported mare
was. just in front of Master Test, Fan
íárie, Galtee Queeii...Lord Flavus, Can
! terbury Chick. Golden Mead . and
' Lucky Escape, At the three - furlongs
Simple Maid, was- bowling along from
Fiintarie, Master. Test. Galtee Queen,
Canterbury Chick. Lord Flavus and
the favorite. . Simple Maid led into
the straight- from Fantarie. Master
Te3t, G-ütee <¡uec'n and Lord Flavus,
and stalling off a- determined chal-
lenge by. both Master. Test aad Fan
tarie. won by a head, with three
quarters of a length between second
and third. : Lucky Escape came well
in the straight and finished fourth,
then coming Galtee Queen. Finitas,
Canterbury Chicle, Werinda and Lord
Flavus, with Vinalia and Golden Mead
the last two. . Tims, 2.8 3-5.
(Winner trained by T. L. Garvey).
. I«S8-Nimrod S.7 1. Hermit S.12 2.
Lowlander 6.7 3: 2.1SJ.
1SS9-Hermit 8.10 1' Jelloong S.3 2
Nimrod S.3 3; 2.20Î.
1S50-Wandering Willie S.O 1, Satyr
S.O 2, Progress 8.3 3; 2.17.
1891-Will o' the Wisp 6.7 1, Pro-
gress 8.6 2. Oberon 7.11 3; 2.1SJ.
i 892-Lord Byron ?.9 1, Progress 7.5
2. Oberon 7.5 3: 2.184.
1S?3-Lockerville 7.4 1. Hero 7.10 2,
Will o' the Wiso s.7 3; 2.19s.
1S94-Carbine" 7.7 1. Will o' the Wisp
S O :\ Durable 0.7 3: 2.15.
lï=:>5-Florrie 7.!> 1. Hanny Jack 7.6
2, Scarpia 10.4 3; 2.10.
1S9G-Dryden S.7 1. Florrie S.4 2,
Sunbeam 10.4 3; 2.14J.
I 1*97-Primrose S.3 2. Telius S.10 2
P;:ul Pry S.13 3; 2.13s.
i 1S98-Onslow S.4 1. Vale Lock S.10 2,
; S-.arpia 10.3 3: 2.13;.
1$!>H-Yatheroo 7.4-!, Luckv Dog 8.S
2 Eunlo 8.9 3; 2.lit.
1Ï00-First Mate S.10 1. Carbineer
9.13 and Euglo 8.Í tdead heat) 2;
JfOi-Australian s.10 1. Reliance 10.6
2. Model 8.4 3; 2.12Í.
j!'02-Limber 10.1 V Once More S.2
Trionla 6.7 3: 2.13s.
j 903-Display 7.2 1, Adjuster 7.13 2.
Font- 7.12 3: 2.13.
i'.-O-i-Meteorite 7..". 1. Homeward
Bound 8.7 2. Morrym ;:i S.13 3: 2.103.
1904-rossum 9.2 1. The Snail 9.0 2,
Pegasus 613 3: £.123.
1905:-Scorcher 7.3 1, lateness 2,
Try Again 7.6 3; 2-llg.
1906- ^Betsy- Burke ti.12 1. Prophec-v
7.5 2. Charles Stuart S.4 3: 2.7J.
1907- 7-Man-o'-War S.6 1. Bundorrie
7.9 2, Lady Agnes 8.1 3; 2.9i.
1908- Ladv Agnes 8.2 1, Pospolite 8.1
2, Baerami 8.9 3; 2.9. :
1909- Thigen Thu 7.2 1, Hatteras 8.13
¡j, Bundorrie 7.7 ii' 2.91. i
I 1910-Artesian 9.0 1, Renegade 7.11
2, Path 6.13 3; 2.8Ï
1911- Apple Charlotte 7.9 1. Satur-
are 7.8 2, Mousme 7.8 3; 2.7Î.
1912- Saturate 8.3 i. Miss Alison 7.13
2, Renegade 8.13 3; 2.Sg.
1913- Lilyveil 9.0 1. Third Best 8.0
2. Corstep 7.13 3; 2.8.
1914.-Werenda 7.12 1, Golden Mead
7.6 2, Suapcap 7.0 3; 2.72.
Of 250 sovs.; second 50 and third 25
sovs. from stake. One mile and a
£87/10/-C. H. Norton's b g
JACKY ARDER (imp.), by John
o' Gaunt-Christie, 8.9 (Young) X
£34-Nandillyan Gift, 8.0 (Leon-
ard) . 2
£26-Kilsyth. 7.7 (Jas. Flynn) .. 3
Other starters: £30-Dueler 9.12
(Hopwood), £29 - Downdale 9.7
(Brennan), £65/10/-King's Wedding
9.7 (Barden). £26-United Service 8.7
(King), £37-Sylvanium 8.3 (Mat-
thews), £64/10/ Welcome Hugh 7.13
(Lowe), £16/10/ - Posio 7.12
Betting: 9 to 4 agst Jackyarder, 5 to
I 1 King's Wedding and Welcome
Hugh, 10 to 1 Dueler, 12 to 1 (Nan
I dUlyan Gift) to 20 to 1 (Kilsyth)
j others.
Tote: Enclosure, straight-out £417;
div., £2/2/. Place-£1384; divs.,
£1, £1/15/. £2/8/. Leger, straight
out £100; <Jiv., £1/4/. Place-£366
5/: divs.. 10/, 19/. 18. .
Kilsyth was first to anticipate the
rise of the barrier. Nandillyan Gift
and Posio being the last to move, but
as soon as they had. settled downKil
"syth was showing 'the way to Jacky-
arder and Welcome Hugh. At the
mile post the order was Kilsyth, Wel-
come Hugh. Jackyarder. icing's Wed-
ding, Downdale and ? Dueler, with
Posio last. Passing the six furlongs
Kilsyth was just clear of King's Wed-
ding, then coming Downdale, Wel-
come Hugh, Jackyarder, Nandillyan
Gift and Dueler, with Posio whipping
in. At the half-mile Kilsyth was a
length in front of King's Wedding,
who was followed by Welcome Hugh,
Nandillyan Gift and .lackyarder. At
the turn Nandillyan Gift had run up
second to Kilsyth, then coming King's
Wedding. Welcome Hugh. Jackyarder
and Downdale. KiUylh led into the
straight from Nandi! ¡yan Gift, King's
Wedding "and Jackyarder. At the dis
i tance the favorite joined issue, and
coming away won nicely by two
lengths from Nandillyan Gift, who
was three-quarters of a length in
front of Kilsyth. Welcome Hugh was
fourth. Dueler, King's Wedding, Syl-
vanium and Hnited Service next, with
Posio last. Time. 1.56 1-5.
(Winner, trained by C. H. Norton.)
Of 600 sovs.;K£econd 120 and third 60
sovs. from tóol&i^Foi- two-year-olds
and iipwarJ^j^e1gij^J[or-age.' Seven
' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Other starters: £234-^nsíl^í
9.0. (Brennan), £23/10/-New Tipper-
ary S.1Î (Lowe!, £11/10.'-Poetical
S-13 (Abbott», £37-Adaleila S.U
Betting: 5 to 4 on Místico, 7 to :
; agst Lucky Beggar. S to 1 High Rock
¡ 10 to 1 Jolly Beggar. 15 to 1 Adaleila
! 33 to 1 New Tipperary and Poetical.
I Totes: EnaSosure, S.O.. £52«; div.
£3/3/. Place, £1323'10'; div.. 17/
£1/6.', 14/, Leger. S.o., £i4::/l(i':
dir.. £1/16/. Place, £358; civ., S.
10'. 7/.
From a good start Lucky Beggai
was tho first to show ont from Ada
, leila. Místico, Jolly Beggar, and Poeti-
cal, with New Tipperary last. Pas!
. the six-furlongs post Lucky Begg-»
?was out two lengths in front of Ada-
leila and Místico, the other three be-
ing in a line just behind. . At the liv«
Lucky Beggar was half a length ir
front of Adaleila and Místico, thee
? coming Jolly Beggar, High Rock. NP«
Tipperary, and Poetical. Passing th«
three furlongs Lucky Beggar was still
bowling along iu front of Adaleila
then coming Jolly Beggar, Místico
and High Bock. Lucky Beggar le^i
into the straight " from Jolly Beggar
High Rock, Adaleila. and Místico, bul
Jolly Beggar immediately ran to -th«
front: At the distance he was in front
? but just when his victory was beins
proclaimed High Rock was brough!
along with a fine run on the rails, an-i
he won nicely by a length from Jcl!\
Beggar, who was two aud a hall
lengths in front of- Lucky Beggar
Místico was a length away fourth
Adaleila .five' lengths away- fifth. New
Tipperary 10 lengths away sixth, ani
Poetical two lengths awav last. Time
1.26 4-5.
t Winner trained by J. J. Kelly.)
(Si 200 sovs.; second 40"and third 2(
sovs. from stake. One mile.
£115-O'Hara Bros.' blk g EARLY
MORN (imp.), by Erla Mer
i Virginia Creeper.-7.7 (Leonard)... ]
£48/10/-Maximes. 6.10 (Chandler) :
£lS.'10/-^Lockflint. C.10 (Forsyth) :
Other .starters: ? £137/10/-A'nalysi«
8.2 (Brennan). £71/10 -Fort Prior 7.Í
(Young). £88-Royal Vixen 7.(
(M'Pherson'i, £47 - Volumen- 6.1;
(Bowles). £29-Galva 6.8 (Hopwood)
£35-Jillawarra. 6.7 (Thomas), £2!
-Bob Panic 6.7 (Waiker).
Betting: ?. to 1 agst Early Morn ol
Analysis, 6 to 1 Maximes, 7 to 1 Roya
Vixen or Fort Prior, 10 to 1 Volumei
or Jillawarra, 15 to 1 Lockflint, Galva
or Bob Panic.
Tote: Enclosure, straight-out
£592; div., £2/16/. Place-£1445/10/;
divs, 16/, £1/5,'. £3/14/. Leger
straight-out-£133/15.'; div., £1/3/
Place-£374/IO.'¿ divs., 8-', 13/, £'I
The field was sent away well to-
gether. Maximes, Analysis. Jillawarra
and Royal Vixen being the first tc
break the line. At the end of a furlong
Jillawarra had run to the front, close!}
- attended by Maximes, Lockflint, An-
alysis, and Fort Prior, with Bob Pank
last. Passing the six furlongs Lock
Hint was in front from Maximes. Jilla
j warra. Early Morn, Royal Vixen, Volu
! men. Fort Prior, and Analysis. Lock
j Hint was still bowling along in fron;
at the half-mile, but Farly Morn hac
j run ui> second, then coming Volumen
! Maximes, Royal Vixen, and For:
Prior. A furlong further Early Mori
assumed command from Maximes
Royal Vixen. Fort Prior, and Lock-
flint. Early Morn led into the str2.i-.rh
from Maximes, Lockflint, and Roya
Vixen, and without being troubled woi
nicely by a length from_-Maximes. wh<
was two and a half lengths ahead ol
Lockflint. " Royal Vixen was fourth
Galva. Fort Prjor. Jillawarra, and An-
alysis next, and Bob Panic last. Time
1.42 4-5.
»Winner trained by J. J. O'Hara.)
! Continued on Page 2..i