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AysraftUAN ciiiuiapibi*
Tn: etctgjtionaUy hpt weather ^Mje diib
footiball -dialiyM-UMhip of Australia rrta
decided on tiie Adelaide Orafl-.tSriB sScr
nooii, tbp teams betng Port Artrialin
(SJl. league losmers) and Oaxlton -^-
rrrieiB Victorian'. Ixagae). : fort' 'wen
without the services of Ashley, Dnffl, 4m,
Cocks, Wwdom, SGdaefon, and XmdOa
taking toeir places ih. tie, team. . . 5Qbe.';
Victorians -were unable to -jflsy'' Bfei: '
(captain). Green, and ? gMnmotid, fl»
eighteenth- place tetng fiHea - by A._ ||&i ?
OofnnjGii* . H ^-Pff 'ton ~ sftippcPBil ? tub '-VJtU3O0^
Wfroee -first ruck comprised Cnlwdl, ,I-V-
tan, and Horns. 'Ports'- fpBovaB were r
Maynard, lancoln, and Dronnncnd. ^Hia
viators' sldpper ' won ' the- tO3B, aad. toot:
advantage of a £a!rly. abxn£ oroiB viitd,
the- centre men, . MefGteegor ani t^niff. ?'
showing up prominently., (KDbmteJu
saved. a Port attack, and; at the o&ier «nd .
a* free, epoiit tiie victors' opportircitj. 36a
Middieton. receiving from Oliver, ^passed
aJong to- Wisdom, and a. €Urgje wbs j*
eorded for tiie home. team. iOariion turn
ed the attack hy good work, oo the jpart
of O'DonneH, and a quick ran. dovia tiie
wing gave Mclyenzie a %ing_BOot irliKii ,
produced' a single. .Oliver, Wataon, and '
Congear trere responsibje -for a dadr'-ib. '
the other end, -where Obngear, ta^ig -
a cool .shot,' landed 6- points. ' ' IT«i^4Wg
made a ^eetacpiar .-wing rndi ;at ' iiie :
boonce, and f or a ^ctce Port iai inifc
tecs their own way- Wabson' marfeed -;
on the -post, but -fais afe-t anXorUiuatdj. '
hit it. O'DonneHvaa prominentin Carl-* .
ton's back line;,' and' getting .a, ehpt
through to ilxfiregor at centre, the baft
was gradually worked to the other end,
where Band marked brilliantly out of a
bunch and put the ball through. A single
foUowcd, making Port onJy a. point m^the .
lead; Carlton lad just got but tS. k^&L
corner by briHiant handball 'T^hen;ju'Oaar ..«
nor penalised 'one of their naen, and, m£&-
ipe^the opportunity, -Port bolted in'.-Qiap- '-
lin seeded, and/ ichancing '-.a Sick, M;
ihe JjatifiEactionTcf -seeing ;it«- iicttFieen '
the jpostsrMagor jricrea*ed i^e magpres',
tally fortber- to -the' extent ?«!? a. pomt. -
XotwithstandinK the. heat; ;-?*« f^acpT^iia. .
coneifltenily maintained. The ViaUniB used '
plenty of wa^t, and Port' j»-ere not \iioar :
to' theiaane way. 3BaUs3F«ie%ie^
quent, but the men seemed to. stand the '
hard ground 'woS;', Garltoti foandvit j» . ..
dsfficolt task tb^get i^.l^ia^y fctm .
Jke; Port. toT*rarft^'ib^rJO(i^ ;j^«si;3tiifc -,- '
electxic qa^ifis :. ay^^w^'llyV*f^':^^wij^i ^?'^rVw- v '
berteon, T^fj^frggiri; and $&££t£&tfe'-w£ct- ? '?
hard.put to' it against Band,;I-oweVJ5«h^:, ??''?j
splendid dash,I which unluc&lly ; ptodoced ^i'
on5y a l»iiA. At quarter tame &i brfaJs ':
etqodfr-;';. ,.,;,i,-' ,^c *?.?;?' :r-j....T.v;;^;'-:---
.,-... .Port 2.4,-' ' '' ? ?^?'?- ^ :! .fo.:
:.:-.s,-tuar^uBi i-3L..u.- ,- ... -,-. * , - ? .. -^,. '
^StorS'-Wae^aie better ieatt in the .fi^ : * :
term, iargdy bwinfe to^a.^ightiy better /.:
tj^an «od tiie; iise of Vejgat- U affie
viators «tpected theirwei^fl;; to' tell ti^r
nutet liave ;beenv«b3-n^^ jf^'«4jr '-
th& opponent sta^d-tfe;Eii^j'tajdticB. ;'
g^En^ stid p^j^ yyB'H?*tf;8ra|itaT^ -^iQBBd-iyp *-ih* ';-
era'; ri^it-dowii -*o^fte«ronnd. - afiw . -
^peifc in th^5«Jeme^:(psaj|S^F«SEwtif Joi %
the' ball, aod- seeing it /Janeway iiSMHpr'd^
flipped op and -potted Jim* s«»iia'A5^»L
At ? the - ijodhce'Kaher and i OSaen'i^m^
Bandwidjed.^oBtof it.;and\Port wtiieii&i- 'H
merins away aRain. ; jMiddTetim inar^a ?%}
after _Ii«uiane;na Tdsaved,;ajiil'ptittSng)tiie ! -
bal lirrto the 'isoal- arBa,(«--3onjBBir:*Joiiifer-' ;4
grnbbeS through a eix-pointer. '? - ? -^jeslniib X'
«ffectire3y. save! -asain,1 and ' beating JMKt ?
dletohon the'iring Andre»pB fent'Ci^bal
along to the -Cart ton forwardB:' ?-~TB&tfah'i \
defence tried to punch -die IwQ: ont, 4-tt. ? :
it went into 'WiJKjiiiiBg^''' l«»V^l^r ?asA f
a ? gpalr_ ;t?ort *-on; *1he , boarC ?
Tbe. ? same -player -missed ; ' another x- *
ola»rtunit-. then Port dirl a littie attari
inc. only to' see O3k-nneU, Davtin, -abi ' '
ffisughton save the atoation. The paca -
perceptibly, aackeried for k wJale, Itet r
adzing the opporhinity to^nt on a.oaapte ?
of points. .^Morris .and McGregor Aowed, .:
up; in a dash -foarard by G&lton, only- to ,.
sec Boon and Jtaton btkt 'off tie attack. .: . -
Morris bad a ratiier ©»d try to get' Jjb, ' i
i*it Port Suddenly, descended on-fite bal, '
ind 'by fine combined-jjay. sent the bag,
dirough tbe efforts of eight men one aft^r -':-
tbe other, without a -^arltim t6n-3nng-it, - ?-
right: between tbfe poefe. Confter -w»e ^Si* *
ia^t to kiqk. tChe \indrfatig8Me' Hbrr&
faoWsva-j was not'tP..be1dtaiied- Hi? inkfta . --r
zood nse--if''af.ebanee, ?wae--#ooKshly h^d
in- Eafoo; and 'landed, a- postAavinft ax- - -
pointer. Anderson -was of inraluaHe «8sfe-': .;
oance to the Port mct''iii fasockag bat,. :-
ind - Hciaitene could hand'y have fln- '. ?
proved on Ilia' play.- At half iitnii :
^he totals werei* — ' ' - ' * .'
- ' Port, ? 5.6. ??'... .-??- - ? ? .l --?..
.?' -iarlton, a3. . . . y . y .-- ' *?'? -, ''-.
. Ports' thk periad was 4ne-.^
to better. combined I^ay, ajjoditaoug' Us*, ?
if -weight, ^ddeterrnmation to feeep -tir«r . '
ilacos. -Garkibn 'waniered- a k-t. espec-SSy ' .'? .
he forwards. ? ? ' '.' .' - ^ ? - ,?; ; ;
THIKD QUARTEE. ? . - - ' ' . ?-
Ports, G3. ? .... ... . . V ;?
. Carlton, 4,4; .. _: ? ???..;,. ','.4;
?' \ ? '? 'XOML.-' -J- ?:-V^:-;^
Port Adelaide— 8.16. '^ ' - ''; . yJ
. Carltbn-5&- - .-..',-,, J.. ^. . -1. --?'f?: