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week expressed our feúra that thu ufltclul nonchalance ex
¿¡bited by our honorable friend, Mr, Charlen Cowper, tu
ward« tba Lord Mayor and tho select party of " good an
great raen" who waited upon him to tender their invalu
able advice to n bewildered (lovcrmneut, would serious!
damage thc decaying popularity. of the " pcoplo1
ministry." We rcgrot to say that our anticipations huv
been realised to an alarming extent, and that tho warm tl
of a once great friend has cooled into, tho icy iro of a
stout a foo. John Lucas, Esq., H.P., J.P., has taken u
the slight put upon the distinguished deputation of whicl
he formed no inconsiderable portion, and lins thunderci
forth a denunciation that has caused her Majesty's-Mini
«tera to shako iu their Wellingtons. Speaking of tili
mott unfortunate interview, Mr Lucas declares it to Iiavi
been understood as " privute and confidential," und un
turolly expresses his astonishment at seeing a roport of i
in the paper on the following morning. \Vlio then ? he
trayed thc awful secret ? Was it the sagacious Surgeun
Tant reconnoitering through a " coiiveuiciit crack," ant
thus possessed himself of tho astounding informntioi
which has created such a " profound sensation" through
ont tho country ? Wo don't know; but Mr. Lucas as-
serts that norona but tho deputation and " two Minister
. of tho'Crown" wore prcscul-that tho deputation con
tained no "chid umang them taking notes, undergo, thi
report could only have- been furnished by one or both o
tito " Ministers of tho Crown " Mr Lucas's logie is in
vincible, mid proves tn demonstration the oxtrcmol;
'.liberal" light iu which our " Ministers of tho Crown'
. "TSgard things "private and confidential" Strong as oui
friendship for Mr- Cowper und his truly, excellent col-
leagues bas always boen, and much ns they are iudubtet
to us for tfio powerful support wo have always so cheer-
fully afforded thom, wo confess that Mr. Lucas hos mosi
completely shaken thu "entire confidence" it was om
happiness ,to repose in those amiable men. We hnv<
"tamed 'em up, and they have only Mr Lucas to tliuul
for this climax to their misfortunes. , Lut what says thc
Sago of Canterbury ? Wo almost feur to represent hi:
fearful fulmination. Swelling with virtuous indignation
at tho supposed breach of . the " private and confidential,'
the hon. member tims poured forth thc viii! of his boiling
wrath-" If it (tho secret) was furnished by tho hitlei
(tho Ministers) ho (Mr Lucas) bad no hesitation in saying
that they were wißt to be trusted wtdi the meanest otiice,
let alono that of their present high position." Such is
tho opinion of Ministers given by ono of tliuir greatest
*' friends," and it was endorsed by tho " loud cheers" of
tho '* liberal party"-and these cheers" will find arcady
echo throughout tho land. Alas, for Messrs Cowper mid
Co., that great firm is in difficulties, and will soon dis-
solve by enluxion of " popnlurity. 1"
BUSAXEBS.-We have often referred to tho dangerous
practice of breaking colts in our streets, which is so ex-
tensively indulged in hy tho " crack riders" of Sydney ;
bat, whether it is that tho police lack tho power or the
will to put a stop to tho nuisance, wo find it' steadily on
tho increase. At present, Pitt street is tho great scene of
diese equestrian oxploits, which, however much thoy may
amuse tho bipeds who perform them, aro a source of im-
mense annoyance to tho moro sedate dwellers in tito
neighbourhood ; and of no small risk to those of the po-
pulation who indulge in tho legitimate occupation of wnlk
tng on tho footpaths. On Wednesday, great excitement
was created by the contests for supremacy between tho
" rough riders" and their steeds ; and tho subsequent
" trial gallops," when tho unfortunate quadrupeds hud
given in. The courso was round from Pitt-street into
that of Castlereagh and past our ollico, the nice was
well contested, giving, us an exccllont opportunity to
throw " OUR En:" over tho arrangement. Seriously
speaking, this crying evil ought to be, nay must bc, put a
stop to j and we really wonder that it has not long ago
been brought prominently under the notice of tho In
spoctor-Gcnerál, or some other officer who may possess tho
power and tho wish to sccuro the public safety. lind ns
we consider tho principle of allowing unbroken horses to
be put through their carly efforts at buckjumping in thu
streets at all, it would not bo nenrly so objectionable,
if confined to the actual roadway, as it is now, when
crossing und re-crossiiig from tho flags on either aldo ttp
pcar to bo the objects aimed ut ; and wu suppose that,
when the tramway is completed, tho operations of tho
horse tumors will bo confined cutirely to the sida walks.
As Pitt-strcot is just now having the number of its salo
yards increased, wc muy express n hopo that tho proprie-
tors of the now establishments will sut their faces against
the practice wo allude to, and not follow thu bad example
set them nt present by some of their neighbours.
"WHAT A COMFOHT.-Tho principal occurrence of thc
week has-been the ro-nppearunco before a Sydney audi-
ence of that sterling itctor, Mr David Buchanan, on
Monday evening Inst. Tho hon. gcntlcmnn, who ap-
peared to bo in excellent voico favored tho compnny with
a recitation sparkling with wit and humour, and
displaying a profound acquaintance with English history,
for which wo wore not exactly prepared, although per-
fectly liwara thnt in matters historical Hitit have happened
" north of tho Tweed," he is all there. After some vory
pleasing and instructivo rumarks on the inumicrs, cus-
toms, and untiquitios of the Chinese, Mr B. alluded in
felicitous terms to tho political history of this colony ;
painted in glowing colours tho iminiiculuto pnrity of thc
. " patriots" in tho Loivor House, and denounced, with
orthodox rabidity, tho " orritl retches" which constituted
the Uppor.
Alas, for every miserable Al.i^.u.
Wiio trembles at the threats of bouncing Ti.
Tho orator thou launched tho thunders of his reverbera-
ting eloquence against "poor Old England," and electrified
his hearers by a solemn declaration that her " peoplo
never hesitated to draw tho sword (re ld Parker and
Winterbottom ?) against tho King's nutliority-(where's
oar gracious Queen?-when ho interfered in a formid-
able way. with tho Tights and liberties of tho peoplo.''
Seeing that the spirit of his elocution was altogether O.P.
mid far too strong for tho English nerves of his hearers,
tho orator prudently «' watered tho grog,"'aiid in quiver
ing accents remarked, " lie did not miiko these statements
to incito to insurrection." Ila ! ha 1 ha 1 wp can't help
laughing at tho childish vanity of the man, to .imagine
that Ila (under an;/ circumstances) could "incito to in-
surrection !" Bosh'for ever I
chinoso demonstration nt tho School of Arts on Monday
ovoning, Mr Torpy, tho Burrangong delegstoi paid- a
high tribute to tho sagacity of his hearers by informing
thom that the lato collision between tho diggers and the
polios occurred simply through tho anxiety of tho former
to tendor bail for tho three men then in custody. Mr
Torpy, with all tho gravity of an undertaker, assured tho
meeting that " when these, mon woro nrrestod tho people
rushed iu for tho purpose of offering .bnil." This funny
statement was -ns it matter of course, but muoh to tho
astonishment of tho worthy speaker, recoived by tho
audience, with " laughter," tmdj no wonder. Mr 'Torpy,
. evidontly unused to public speaking, at a metropolitan
mcct'uig'nt nil oven ts, Boomed to think tho gullibility of
tho peoplo almost equal to that of tho lambs who hav j
boon fiat enough to suffer themsolvos to bo deluded by
, tho rabid vapourings of Spicer, Cameron, and Co., who,
now, that they hnvo wrought tho mischief, havo wisoly
slo]ied with a " century" hanging over thom. It is not
unlikely that this novel Btylo- of " putting in bhil," siisfr
gontcd to tho polico tho idea'on tho foUowing'morning pf
putting out "leg bail." Bail gammon hore massa I . .'
Allen M.P., (moro posvor to him) who is blessed with
tho eacoethes loquendi, and whoso professional avocations
compel him to throw a light .upon everything, has con
suited tho oracle, and favoured us with the answer of
. his Cassandra, touching tho futuro of Ibis unfortunate
colony. It appoars-that tho fate of N. S. W. is scaled,
and that this " fair and beautiful country" will shortly
bo brought to tho hammer and " sold for opium and ried.
This is certainly somothing " to bo snoozed at," and quit J
BulUcicnt to alarm tho fears, of every "patriot" who lovoi
his country, but himsolf a great deal bettor. A», how-
ever, thero is " reason in roasting eggs," so is thora a
cause for tho terrible fate predestined for us by 'Mr
Allen's oraclo. Wo aro told that' tho "Banks," thu
"Merchants," and tho "draymen" havo in tliis colony
" a ventod interost in tho immigration of Chinese." This
is really horritflo !' A conspiracy of Bankers, .Morolntnts,
«nd drnymon to soil tho-oplony " for opium and rioo" JV
a contingency wo never contemplated! On behalf of tho"
'colony (poor thing) wo. thunk Mr Allon for tho,infor-
mation, nnd can assuro. him that liko young Nbrvul's
pnpn, our "oonstnnt caro" will bo, prior to being con-
verted into opium, and rico," to sollour " Lifo",as dourly
as possible. Our heart is really melted when wo think
of tho«nVAudncss of "Bankers, Merchants, and dray-
- MORE . BELLioEniiNTS.-p-Tlio. belllcoso mania has
broken but in Penrith, si nco tho Wglo presentation ; and a
few days since tho magiátrutas woro noarly frightened
" into fits by tho apparition of a gallant Módico, who
rushed into Court to inform their Worships that lui
wouldn't fight a duel. Wo trust that in futuro this in
sano species of tomfoolery will not bo ropeatcd. If'men
of ..honor" fool dlspoiud to tnko an carly matutinal ball,
thay should bo careful not to lot tho world' know tltoir
amiable , intentions. Thora ls too much of tho philo-
sophy of Boh Aerei about colonial " affairs of honour" to
eroato tho slightest fear of nny tcnneeeisary rashness on
tho part of our " gay cavaliers," who appear to have no
rolish for the duelling maxim-" Pistols for tuto ; but
toffln for one I"
A TAÍE OF A. BUCKET.-There ia no uso in flt templin,
to deny Ibu fuct that of the few Attorneys with whoa
thin "tino country" in blobed, our amiable-friend uui
legal bodon lulviner, VV. P.'Mollut, Eau.., is. tho mos
auuisiiig. Our 1'riuiid hus lately made thu grand tour ti
Lumbi|igT''iul, tile journey being strongly advised by hi
incdicul attendant,' Dr dtouuld. 'At a convivial soire
luld_ un ;Momtny evening at the School of Arts, Mi
Mofiât'uàutributed to thu amusement of thu conman;
by relating a curious lulu of u bucket he mot with ul
Burrangong. - lt appeared that Mr Moffat and i
friend (u ulient ?) were ou their way rejoicing to Black'
guard Gully to seo one of thosu strikingly eileetivu per
ipriiianeca u prize fight. Tho coineideiicu of name ant
Vjróñmstaitce was singular us Mr M. romurked. On Hu
way / Mr Moffitt's lcgul ablitics wero sorely puzzled on
beholding a bucket bunging by a rope from the limb of a
trod. '' Ho immediately issued a mandamus calling upon
his ." friend" to BIIOW cause why tho said bucket wac
then and thcro .hanging. Ilia friend did show, cause,
und informed tito astonished attorney that it was no
bucket, but au omblem of Justice-a gentío hint to
uortam gontry not to make " mistakes," by.any confusion
of the meaning of menin and tuum. On the bucket was
'inscribed '
" Mind your oyo my bonnie boy,
Or soon you'll be like Gilderoy."
After paying a high tributo to tho worth of Mr Justice
Lynch, Mr Mull'at, whoso friend appeared somewhat
anxious to leave tho spot, jocularly remarked to bim,
" By Blake's wig, but that is a decent way of remind-
ing a fellow'that ho may ono. day have 'to kick tho
bucket 1* "
? INOESTJITST or PERVERSION.-Wo regrot that the
loading joumul should havo availed itself of ail evident
typographical error iu thoir representative's report of Mr
Mofi'ut's speech ut tho publia meeting at tho School of
Arts on Monday evening lust, whereon to raise an un-
warrantable Bureasm ut that gentleman's expenso in its
leader on tho following'-Wednesday. The report states t
-" Ho (Mr Moffat) looked upon tho moral degradation
he ÇUhegJ should sustain from contact with tho Chinese
ns fur worso tluin their taking away our gold." - Tho
" he," as even the editor of tho Herald might havo séèn,
was a misprint fer "thoy j" but it afforded tho ground-
work for tho following tirado uguinst tho speaker :
"Now, belo la a remarkable finn : s gentleman- educated to the
legal profession-who lin» see» a good U<M1 of life-who hu studied
human nature under all Its various phases In the police courts or
lilli colony ai well as In thc closet, and yet having been thus fort),
fled against any surprise he ls absolutely shocked nt the peril which
lie himself mus from the arrival of n people so (Vicious ns the
Chinese 1 We do not Inquire how far it 1» possible for tho Chinese
ta corrupt a Uotany tiny lawyer ; but this we readily admit, Hint If
thc allegations or Mr sroFFAT De correct, we ought to save his Im
Ïierllled virtue from further risk by sending back every Chinese
inmigrant from our shores. We have not had an opportunity of
knowing how far the danger may have extended, wheUier Mr
?MOFFAT luis uiuuc thc first slop tn tills downward course ; hut
still If he cnn bc io corrupted lt ls a caution to thel community
which it ought not to forget I"
Wo cannot congratulate our contemporary on tho
success of his attack upon Mr Mount ; tho intention
boing as transparent as undignified.
"WAGGA WAGOA EXPRESS."—This journal in its
issue of tho ¡¡1st inst, accuses us, in terms of courtesy
peculiar to itaolf, of declining to answer a quostion re-
peatedly submitted - to us by a subscriber ut Wugga
Wagga. We beg to givo tho Btutemont an emphatic
denial. Tho letters making this enquiry wero anonymous;
and HS we feel justified in sparing ourselves any extra-
ordinary trouble in so-long queries for other thun bona
fide subscribers, and tho question in dispute being ono
that would have entailed such trouble, hunco our roply.
AVo shall bo at ull times happy to incur any inconveni-
ence to obligo our subscribers (knowing them as such)
but tho onigmas occasionally submitted to us by A. B. or
C., wo do not caro to entertain.
THE "ZOE" GALOP.-By some inexplicable oversight
we have hitherto neglected to notice this beautiful and
splendid Galop, composed by Mr. John Winterbottom,
and dedicated to Mr Tait, in honor of the Champion
Mare of the Colonies. Independently of its musical
merits, it is got up with the publisher's usual good taste,
and is embellished with a pleasing portrait of "Zoe" in
full stride, by Mr S. T. Gill. We cordially recommend
it as an elegant addition to the musical repertoire of our
fair readers. The "preparation"-the "start"-the
"race," and the "victory" are described with singular
felicity by the gifted composer, who evidently fully
entered into the spirit of his subject.
SOMETHING ltECUERCHK.-Wo saw yesterday at
Tattersalls about tho most boautiful epcoimon of
Chinese carving wo ovor happened to como across, in tho
shape of a picture frame, cut in sandal wood. It sur-
rounds nu ongraving, entitled "Lifo at thu sou-side,"
Ramsgate, 185 t ¡ which is of itself a work of art of no
ordinary pretensions. Tho frnmo, however, is of such
elabóralo workmanship ns to eel ip jo tho beauties of any
picture, and we should strongly adviso our frionds to
take un early look nt it.
remind tho trade thut a meeting is convened for Wednes-
day evening noxt, at tho Lighthouse Hotel, to consider
tho alterations mudo by thu Committee in Mr. Cowper's
Bill for the amendment of tho present Licensed Victual-
ler's Act, and for the transaction of other business
important to those interested. It is to bo hoped that
there will bo a large uttendnnce, und that Unanimity will
preside on the occasion.
TUE Voj.uNr.EEu MOVEMENT.-Tho movomont, par-
ticularly ns regards the artillery, has, during tho week,
beou marked by muah spirit. On Tuesday, Thursday,
and friday, tho company assomblod^at Dawes Battory,
ivhcro they much onjoyed themselves at thu convivial ox
erciso callo.1 " Gyn Drill." for the information of our
roadors wo may mention that " Gyn" ÍB tho old military
orthography for gin. It is rather a remarkable fact that
long before tito enrolment of volunteers at all, "gin drill,"
and its attending «i,'o/u//oiw, wore extensively practised
in this colony, uudor tho direction of Captain Lush
inglon !