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The City Coroner (Dr. Ramsay Smith)
conducted an enquiry upon the fire which
occurred in Messrs. Holden & Frost's build
ings on Tuesday evening. He opened the
Court at 10 o'clock, and before 11 all the
evidence that the police had been able to
secure bad been taken, and the jury re
turned their verdict. Mr. Holden, a couple
of employes, Superintendent Booker, and
the foot constable who gave the alarm were
called, and failed to throw any light on tlie
mystery of how the fire occurred. Dr.
Smith then suggested to the jury that they
had two courses open— one to say that Hie
fire was wilfully caused, and the other that
it was an accident. After a few minutes'
retirement the foreman returned, and said
that the jury had agreed that the fire was
the result of an accident. This information
was immediately conveyed to Mr. John
Entwistle, secretary of the Colonial Mutual
Fire Insurance Company, in which the stock
was insured for £8,700, and by 4 o'clock
in the afternoon that gentleman had settled
the claim with Mr. Holden,