Day of the month and year, November the thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five. London. Time by the great clock of. St. Paul's, ten at night, All the lesser London churches strain their metallic ...
Article,Literature : 2371 words view this articleIn a court-yard in the City of London, which was No Thoroughfare either for vehicles or foot-passengers, a court-yard diverging from a steep, a slippery, and a winding street connecting Tower-street with the ...
Article : 2986 words view this articleThe wine-merchant sat in his dining-room next morning, to receive the personal application for the vacant post in his establishment. It was an oldfashioned wainscoted room; the panels ornamented with ...
Article : 1972 words view this articleOn Saturday afternoon a great out-door demonstration against Ritualism took place in London-fields, Hackney. The promoters of the movement assembled first at ...
Article : 978 words view this articleDr. Gilly related the following anecdote, which was told by a well-known Irish character. Thaddous Connolly, who used to spend much of his time in wandering through Ireland and instructing the lower classes ...
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