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s GLEARA.KOBS. Docomber 20. -
City of Brisbane (B), 504 tons,'TCnlght,ifor Brisbane.
Passengers-Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Carroll, Mrs. Harris,
Major.&eneraV Orr, Mastsrs Palmor, Word, Foot,.
Shepherd, Hemmant, Messrs. .? Buohanan, Hemmant,
Harris, Benth, Sparrow, Foot, Baroluy, Box. Haokat,
Owen, Henderson, M'Grogor,. Jowell, Upwards,
Griffiths, and 15 in tho steerage.
Macgregor (s), 1413 tons, Grainger, for San Franoisco.
Passengers-Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly. Messrs. D.Albertis,
T. W. Ahre, T. H. Mailliet. C. T. Mailliet, Holland, Mrs.
Holland. Messrs. Dorr, Warland, Paulbassie, Dr.
Hobbs, Mrs. Hobbs, Misses Hobbs (2), Mrs. Pothick.Mias
E A. Doolittle, Mr. J. P. Oroke, Captain Jacobsen, and
20 in the steerage. For Honolulu: Mr. and Mrs.
Dauckeld,Captain Hatfield, and 3 in the steerage. For
Fiji: Messrs. E. Layard, E. L. Layard, Ratu Joseph
Celua, and 1 in the steerage. From Melbourne: 4 in
the second cabin, and 6 in the steerage.
Mury Millor, brq. 272 tus, Valentino, for Newcastle.
Quickstep, sob, ôfii tus, M'Lood, for Now Caledonia.
COAST WISO.-Advanoo, for Bermagui; Juno, for.
Turnas Uiver ; Chance, for Shoalhaven ; William and
:lloti<y, for Broken Bay ; Bulli, for Bulli : Catherine
Agnes, Little Pct, Thomas and Henry, for Numbucora. j