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A month ago the Cheney Motor Com-
pany placed a definite order with Hol-
den's Motor Body Builders, Ltd., for four-
teen Dodge Brothers motor car bodies
every week right up to Christmas, and
they expect to place an order for the
same number each week to continue to
the end of April next year. All through
the winter Holden's Motor Body Builders
have been manufacturing Dodge Brothers
motor car bodies ready to fit to the chassis,
and all that has to be done on the arrival
of the chassis is to fit the bodies and
finish painting. This does not take long,
in view of the fact that the bodies are
already painted wanting to be fitted to the
chassis on their arrival.
The Cheney Motor Company, in order
to keep up with their orders and cope
with the present demand, will have to de-
liver Dodge cars at the rate of fourteen
every week without fail. This number may
have to be increased if the demand war-
rants it. However, they are in the for-
tunate position of having large numbers
of cars leaving the factory regularly. At
present there are no fewer than 226 chas-
sis here or on the way, and the company
does not anticipate any difficulty in meet-
ing the demand satisfactorily.