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Construction May Be Expedited
A LTHOTJGH tho completion of the
road from Queenstown to Zeehan
was scheduled for the summer of 1010,
it appears likely that tho opening will
take place slightly earlier. Work at
tho Queenstown end was commenced a
fortnight ago, but with the breakdown
at the Mt. Farrell mine, and the draft
ing of men to road work, the formation
of the road will also be started at Zee
Enp;incering difficulties will bo en
countered in the section from Queens
town to the Henty River, but tho steep
est portions will not exceed a grade of
ono in 12. In ono section of 1J miles
in the vicinity of the Yolande River,
about five miles from Queenstown, ap
proximately 35,000 c. yds. of rock will
be excavated, the cost being estimated
at £5000 per milo.
Tho survey ns far as tlic Henty River
is complete in all details. Over this
river a steel truss bridge will be con
structed, access to the position beinR
facilitated by the expediting of the con
struction from the Queenstown end. By
means of this highway, thc steel neces
sary for the bridge will be conveyed
Between the Henty River and Zeehan
construction will be comparatively easy
although there will be a few lengths ol
medium to heavy work.
Already a portable air comprcssot
and jackhammers have been purchased
while a tip truck is about to bo. de
livered. Further plant will bo provided
as the need arises.
With one gang continuously employ
ed on this section, 20 miles of road for
mation have been completed to 3S miles
beyond Waratah. Of this about one
third has been gravelled. After thc
formation and gravelling is completed
there will remain a section of some
twelve miles to be widened and im
proved between Waratah and tho 20
miles. The survey for this section has
not yet been carried out. Since July
1, 1034, the expenditure on tho Wara
tah-Corinna Road has been £11,7S1.
The survey and design for the Zee
han-Corinna Road has been completed.
Construction is proceeding at the Zee
han end, thc formation being completed
to the 01-4 miles beyond Zeehan, and is
in progress np to the 71 miles. The
bridge over Pine Creek is nearly com
pleted. The objective at this end is to
reach the eight miles so as to nive
access to_ tho Heemskirk mining field.
When this is reached, it is proposed to
concentrate the main activities on the
Zcchan-Quecnstown section oE the road
from Burnie to Hobart. Since July,
1031, a sum of £]2,6D7 has been expend
ed on tho road from Zeehan to Cor