Page 25 - The Old Hut.
THE usual fortnightly meeting of the Trades and Labour Council was held on Thursday, April 3, There was a good attendance of members. The president of the council occupied the chair. The minutes ...
Article : 735 words view this articleTHIS Palm (Hyphc[?]ne crinita, of Gaertner) (H. Thebaica, of Martis,) is widely distributed over the same regions as is the Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera), and a little if any less in value to the ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1576 words view this articleA SHOOKING accident, which is likely to prove fatal to one man, and has permanently injured a second, happened about a quarter to 5 p.m. on Thursday at Five Dock. The two men, whose names are ...
Article : 722 words view this articleTHE old hut posts are standing yet Beside the mountain creek; And there amid the solitude, The rubble chimney peak ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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