MAY 8.—The Victoria, from Thistle Island and Port Lincoln, in ballast. Passengers—Messrs' Lechmere, Greig and McEwen. ...
Article : 22 words view this articleWails for Sydney (direct), Van Diemen's Land, pott Phillip, New Zealand, the East Indies, sod Great Britain, will be despatched on Monday the thirteenth instant, by the Hawk. ...
Article : 45 words view this articleWe must apologise to Mr John Stephens, that press of matter will prevent us publishing the correspondence re Platts until our next. In the meantime, if we may be allowed to express our opinion, the Register's remarks were unjust ...
Article : 167 words view this articleTHE remarkable circumstances that have recently occurred respecting the above society have induced us to look back into our files upon the subject. Probably at the present momenta ...
Article : 2694 words view this articleWE beg to refer our readers to a report of the proceedings adopted by the citizens in reference to the streets. We bear that the collectors have been pretty successful in every district, except ...
Article : 133 words view this articleTHE above meeting took place on Tuesday last. at Mr Payne's Hotel, Hindley street, at two o'clock, P. M.: James Frew, Esq., President of the Society, in the chair. ...
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