We have papers to the 16th instant from Brisbane, and to the 14th from Rockhampton, WINDING-UP THE TRAMWAY COMPANY.—THE Daily Guardian remarks that the last scene in ...
Article : 579 words view this articleThe following extracts from a letter forwarded to a gentleman in Melbourne by his brother in New York, may prove of interest:- "Coppin has gone with the Keans to ...
Article : 1235 words view this articleThe Times of India, of 13th February, supplies the following summary of Indian news:- Major R. B. Adams, the Commissioner of Peshawur, died on the 23rd January, of the wounds ...
Article : 1357 words view this articleFrom Hongkong we have papers to the 1st of February. The Overland China Mail gives the following resume of the month's news: ...
Article : 1584 words view this articleAbout eighty years have passed away since England's greatest and most important colony raised a dispute with the mother country, waged a successful war with her, and finally threw off ...
Article : 1683 words view this articleThe annual session of the Synod of the Church of England was opened yesterday at noon, in the Harrington-street School-room, when there was a very numerous attendance of clerical and lay ...
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