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Before His Worship tho Warden and Mr. ,E.
Nicholas, J.P.
MORAN V. BARLOW.—Julia Moran summoned
William Barlow to show cause why he should not
pay the sum of 10s., wages due to her. The de-
fendant showed that the plaintiff had never been
in his employ. Tlie plaintiff was therefore non-
CASH V. PEARCE.—Martin Cash sued George
Pearce to recover £5 for damage done to his fruit
trees by defendant's sheep on the 28th October,
1874. It appeared from the evidence of the
plaintiff that the defendant's sheep had been
trespassing upon his lands for some time, the
dividing fence between the properties being cattle
proof, but not sheep proof. Plaintiff alleged that
the sheep had eaten the hearts out of the trees, and
also taken off the buds.
Defendant called two witnesses to prove that no
damage was done to the trees at the time mentioned.
The Bench considered that the matter had been
allowed by the plaintiff to stand over to long ; they
would therefore dismiss the case. Dismissed