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Advertising : 1,261 wordsI. Kirk Connell—The Crown lands within the following boundaries: Commencing on the Sydney and Bathurst road, where the Diamond Swamp Creek crosses that road, and ...
Article : 2,309 words1. Kiandra—The Crom lands within the basin of the Snowy Live(Encumbene), from the crossing-place immediately cast of Denison to its head; ad of the ...
Article : 231 wordsAdelong—The Cown lands within the Adong Reseve, as proclaimed, 17th November, 1858; commencing on the right [?] of Adelong Creek, at the south-west ...
Article : 245 wordsCorowa—The Crown lands within the following boundaries: Commencing at a point boring south 53 degrees cast, and distant one rile, and thence south half a mile from the ...
Article : 490 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 127 words1. At Euroka, pariah of Hampton, one square mile.—The Crown lands within the following boundaries: commencing at the north-west corner of the Village of Euroka ...
Article : 200 words1. At the Fitz Roy Iron mine, 1½ square miles: commencing at the south-west corner of J. T. Hughes' 50 acres, and bounded thence on part of the east by the west ...
Article : 156 wordsI. Entrance to Lake Macquarie, 1½ square miles.—The Crown lands within the following boundaries: Bounded on the north by the Village Reserve, which includes Kahibah ...
Article : 98 words1. Sugar Loaf Point, 1½ square miles—The Crown lands within the following boundaries: commencing at a point on the cast 1½ miles north-westerly from Sugar Loaf ...
Article : 120 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 60 wordsI. At Brisbane Valley Creek, two square miles.—The portion of land commencing at the south-east corner of Captain King's 2000 acres (Essington Park), and bounded on the ...
Article : 369 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Newcastle Chronicle and Hunter River District News (NSW : 1859 - 1866), Sat 4 Jan 1862, Page 4
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