Davis Cup player Geoff Brown, after losing the first set in nine minutes beat Jim Gilchrist, 1-6, 7-5, 6-3, to win the metropolitan singles tennis championship ...
Article : 551 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 866 wordsGORDON DONALD (University), with hair flying, clears the bar to tie with D. Stewart in the A grade High Jump at Henson Park. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 26 wordsTwo athletes who are hopeful of representing Australia in the British Empire Games at Auckland intend travelling each week-end from Newcastle to compete in the metropolitan inter-district teams' ...
Article : 482 wordsAMERICAN Negro Harold Dade will starve himself for 24 hours to make weight for the match against Elley Bennett at Sydney Stadium to-morrow night. Jack Warner, who is managing Dade, gave these ...
Article : 233 words{No abstract available}
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The Sunday Herald (Sydney, NSW : 1949 - 1953), Sun 16 Oct 1949, Page 9
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