Australia owes Will. Ogilvie a debt, of which very few of her sons or daughters are aware. There are not many of the famous old outback properties whose names he has not endeared in the lilting lines of his bush verse! ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,821 wordsA mob of 300 wethers from Mt. Marlow, Isisford, are becoming expert travellers. They were first trucked 1000 miles to Dalby, in search ...
Article : 107 wordsThe Townsville Stock Salesmen's Association held their second sale on July 31. The offering was a small one, only 433 March shorn sheep being ...
Article : 74 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 490 wordsA report on economic conditions in Argentina prepared by the Commercial Counsellor to the British Embassy at Buenos Aires says, inter alia: "After a long period of struggle and ...
Article : 511 words{No abstract available}
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