The progress of Catholicism in England, as told in "The Story of the Conversions," has created considerable interest among Protestants as well as Catholics. Mr. Gladstone, ...
Article : 345 wordsYes, Jack Frost Las paid us a visit and left his marks behind him. One morning the juveniles were favored with ice half an inch thick; quite a novelty, and they made the ...
Article : 1,003 wordsSir—The "Man in the Moon," from his great altitude, can cast his lunary vision into the remotest parts of your vast territory. Will you give me space in the Herald to ask ...
Article : 211 wordsBut let us leave the vicinity of honest poverty, a poverty that cannot reflect with discredit upon those suffering creatures, but only upon those of their inhuman oppressors ...
Article : 1,868 wordsThat every line which written here may be Go to its mark straight and unerringly; That every laugh be clean and fairly bought: That condemnation never go unsought: ...
Article : 1,396 wordsSir—Billy Hicks does very little in his last letter except criticise the words used in my last. He charges me with plagiarism, and with an intention to bluff. The omission of ...
Article : 495 wordsIn the common interest of humanity, says a veterinary surgeon in Hall's Journal of Health for April, I feel compelled to offer a few remarks regarding a most barbarous act ...
Article : 422 wordsAt the meeting of the Royal Society of Tasmania held on Monday evening last (says the Tasmanian Mail of July 19) the following notes on the Native Hop (Daviesa latifolia) as ...
Article : 614 wordsAnnual Meeting—Present—Crs. Jackson, Lange and Murphy. Cr. Jackson was elected chairman for the ensuing year. Letter read from Crown Lands office, re grant for £100 ...
Article : 317 wordsAustralians hare, during the past few years, heard a good deal, about the " divining rod;" they are shortly, it appears, to make the acquaintance of a " divining boy." Down in ...
Article : 411 wordsA German professor has addressed a very serious warning to parents and guardians on one of the evils of the present system of teaching girls. He points out the difference ...
Article : 558 wordsSpecial Meeting — Present — Crs. Kelly (chair), Arthur, O'Leary and Watts. Contractors to bare notice to proceed with their work at once or it would be relet. Mr. E. ...
Article : 84 wordsSet the cage on a table near where you wish to sit; after a little conference with the bird, introduce a finger between the wires near the favourite perch, holding it there patiently, ...
Article : 255 wordsIn an old book, da[?]ed 1820, there is (says an exchange) the following very curious love epistle. It affords an admirable play upon ...
Article : 284 wordsPresent—All. Cr. A. Day was elected chairman, and C. Bieling re-appointed clerk. Clerk reported that tank in Bower had been satisfactorily finished, and that he had taken ...
Article : 86 wordsPresent—All. Cr. Thomas H. Hardy was elected chairman. C. Bieling was re-appointed clerk, overseer of works, registrar of dogs, &c. Application from ratepayers in Neales Flat ...
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Kapunda Herald (SA : 1878 - 1951), Fri 25 Jul 1890, Page 3
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