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Advertising : 90 wordsThere can be no question that, if the objects for which Federation was designed are to be fulfilled, a much better spirit of harmony and ...
Article : 2,154 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 138 wordsSabbath breaking and gambling were deeply deplored by the Presbyterian Assembly. "The encroachment of secular interests upon the Sabbath is ...
Article : 201 wordsAt the opening session of the Methodist General Conference in Adelaide, the retiring president (Dr. M'Callum) delivered a stimulating address. He ...
Article : 289 wordsBefore presenting the report on the Burnside Orphan Homes to the N.S.W. Presbyterian Assembly, Colonel Murdoch, acting chairman of the board, ...
Article : 308 wordsIn view of the interest in the spiritual ,healing mission now being held in Sydney, the following extract from a letter from Dr. J. E. Bateman ...
Article : 226 words"There is an aspect of the mission of healing conducted by Mr. Hickson which offers food for healthy spiritual digestion altogether apart, from the ...
Article : 291 wordsThe Kev. C. B. Elwin, assistant curate of Manly, has been appointed to the parish of Berridale, in the diocese of Goulburn. Arrangements have been made for ...
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