When winter comes a calling, With winds that whistle keen, With snowflakes falling earthward. Like ghosts upon the green, ...
Article : 155 wordsWe are getting oil splendidly. Every week there are fresh, names on my roll, and tho letters are showing a marked improvement. The literary standard of the scraps sent in ...
Article : 739 wordsGod sent His Singers upon earth With songs of sadness and of mirth, That they might touch the hearts of men And bring them back to heaven again. ...
Article : 202 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 207 wordsO, tell me, pretty river! Whence do thy waters flow "And whither art thou roaming, So pensive and so slow? ...
Article : 125 wordsWhat animal falls from the clouds?—Rein deer (rain dear). What is the difference between a cow and a broken chair?—One gives milk and the other ...
Article : 150 wordsGive of thy best, Truth, honor, love, unfailing sympathy, God has bestowed His richest gifts "on thee Do thou the rest. ...
Article : 154 wordsSuch a dream I had, so dreadful, That I never heard the like, For I dreamt that on a sudden The mammas agreed to strike. ...
Article : 212 wordsOften by one act, one word, man makes his destiny. Never step over one duty to perform another. Take the nearest first. ...
Article : 278 wordsThe preacher who always aims at the head will, never hit the heart. People who kill lions learn to shoot by practising on other things. ...
Article : 220 wordsDear Uncle Jeff,—It is now sonic considerable time since last I wrote to you, and I am sorry to say lack of energy is the only i thing that prevented me, but the old proverb ...
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