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Advertising : 447 wordsMembers of St. Catherine's Ex-students' Union had their first opportunity of entertaining the new principal of the school, Miss I. James, when they held their annual dinner ...
Article : 159 wordsCherry Week— To help the growers dispose of an unusually large cherry crop, the Housewives' Progressive Association is conducting a "cherry week" and ...
Article : 337 wordsLady Hore-Ruthven's shopping was both interesting and varied yesterday morning, when she visited the newly-opened Kindergarten ...
Article : 381 wordsTURRAMURRA WALL PAINTERS AT WORK. Miss Jean Ramsay (left) and Mrs. A. T..Anderson, at work in the garden of the latter's residence, Ball Green, Turramurra, completing a mural painting commissioned by the Rev. Charles Oliver for the church at Gundy, N.S.W. The ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 77 words—Monte Luke. MISS BARBARA WARRY. The engagement is announced of Miss Barbara Warry, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Warry, of Thaxted, 6 Victoria-road, Double Bay, to Mr. George ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 45 wordsLady Bavin and her family have taken a cottage at Palm Beach, where they are enjoying a few weeks' holiday. The Misses Jessie and Phyllis Harris, who ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 720 wordsThe tremendous problems confronting social welfare workers in England were outlined by Miss Ruby Rich, in her address given ...
Article : 265 wordsThe Lady Mayoress (Mrs. Arthur McElhone) who was later joined by her daughter. Miss Mabel McElhone, was guest of honour at the final musicale for the year of the Queen ...
Article : 176 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tue 26 Nov 1935, Page 4
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