There is not much new to tell or in the domain of work. We had almost a revolution a few years ago when we gave up the wool-work and crochet we had clung too for years, ...
Article : 1,255 words"S. G." (Past Melbourne).—There are many ways of dressing as "Snow,"but the following may prove uneful. It was lately given in an English journal:— A Princess dress, of soft white foulard made high ...
Article : 271 wordsAs may be imagined, the progress of electric lighting and the general application of electrical energy continue to absorb the attention of the scientific world. In the multitude ...
Article : 2,603 wordsA SCAPEGRACE.—A man late at dinner. WAIST OF TIME.—The middle of an hourglass. HOW TO MAKE A TALL MAN SHORT.—Rob ...
Article : 966 wordsThe following poem, by Charles G. Leland, in the New York World, was suggested by a police court item that appeared in the Carson Appeal some time ago:— ...
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The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), Sat 25 Feb 1882, Page 7
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