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Advertising : 189 wordsThere is a time before the eyes of every mother of growing daughters to which she looks on with a sense of responsibility mingled with some degree of apprehension, ...
Article : 1,105 wordsThe reappearance of Miss Genevieve Ward and Mr. W. H. Vernon at the Theatre Royal last Saturday night, on the occasion of the Shakspesrian revival, will long be remembered ...
Article : 975 wordsThe leading costume in Madame Weigel's Journal of Fashion just to hand is a richlooking evening toilette composed of three materials, which are at the selection of the ...
Article : 550 wordsThis week will be of interest to ladies who are wishing to have a new pattern for a Our model is of light silk, though sateen would suit almost as well, and is trimmed ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 88 wordsDear "Humming Bee,"—The appeals which have been lately made in "The Argus" for the help of "Outcast London," will, I have no doubt, be largely responded to in Melbourne and its suburbs. There is, ...
Article : 330 words"Silver and Gold."—The rows of bead-work must be all worked the same way, and fastened off at the end of each row; you do not return as in cross-stitch. ...
Article : 31 words"Silver end Gold" kiadly sends the following patterns of fancy work, which I feel will be of interest end use to many workers:—WAVE-PATTERN KNITTING, WITH CROCHET EDGE.—This ...
Article : 730 words"M. C."—Several recipes have bean given as various times in these columns, one of them, which I subjoin, being specially successful, several ladies having tried it and writing to ine afterwards telling ...
Article : 121 words"Helen" (Mysia) begs to thank the numerous correspondents who forwarded the varions recipes, all of which were successful, with the exception of the one sent by "Louie," of Sandhurst, which was not at ...
Article : 38 words"Jane Eyre."—Lace is. the most fashionable material for draping a dressing table just now, and white is the favourte colour, with loops and rosettes of pink orsome other foloured ribbon. Cretonne makesa ...
Article : 627 words"Lorton (Alexandra) is kind enough to forward the following pattern for a knitted cape, the pattern of which is given below. "Lorton" names two kinds of wool for making it, both useful and nice, and I, in ...
Article : 405 words"A Guardsman's Wife.—To get up tableaux vivants it is necessary to select subjects which at once tell their own story by the skilful poring. The platfrom or stage should be as nearly as possible on a ...
Article : 238 words"Opoasum.—Mr. Mullen tells me a prose [?] lotion of "Horace," by stuart will cost se. 6d. Your other question is too late for this issue. ...
Article : 28 words"T. N." (Beechworth)—The two recipes [?] eauce which were so amusingly discussed in the [?] given in "Talk on 'Change" are publlahed this week in the answers to ...
Article : 32 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), Sat 16 Aug 1884, Page 7
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