Mr, Benjn. Culley writes:—"Permit me to reply to the above inquiry in the affirm^ live, and as.proof to submit the following:— In 1853, in company with several of the ...
Article : 1,017 wordsIt was Saturday afternoon. Masterton's store was crowded with people from the outlying districts, lounging about, gossiping,. or buying their weekly stores. ...
Article : 1,755 wordsThe night before Willie Chester left Melbourne to enter on the duties of engineer to the shire of Bungalilly, he dined with his old school-fellow, Travers, a practising ...
Article : 2,214 wordsThe walls of the hut were rudely plastered; and the main articles of furniture in the room, beside the chair Chester occupied and two like ones, were a lounge of ...
Article : 1,859 words{No abstract available}
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The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), Sat 15 Jan 1898, Page 52
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