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  2. CONCERTS, &c.

    A very numerous audience assembled at the Elsternwick-hall on Monday evening in the inauguration of the Howard Conservatoire of Music. The ceremony was performed ...

    Article : 388 words
  3. DANCES.

    The first of the Grace-park tennis aasemblies was held in the Kew Recreation-hall on Friday, June 5. The decorations of flags and pot plants were by lady members of the club. ...

    Article : 2,241 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1 words
  5. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 44 words

    His Excellency and Lady Brassey will give a ball at Government-house on Tuesday, July 7, and another ball in the month of August. The opening of Parliament has been fixed ...

    Article : 552 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 86 words

    Despite the bad weather we have been by no means dull, and perhaps because the days have been so gloomy and depressing the social gatherings were the more ...

    Article : 1,870 words
  9. AT HOMES.

    Mrs. S. Nathan, Mayoress of Richmond, assisted by the mayor, held a reception at the town-ball on Tuesday, June 9. The day being fine the attendance was very large. ...

    Article : 668 words