The Swordfish's Movements. Do swordfish migrate? was a question asked recently, and a correct answer is difficult. No swordfish have been marked and liberated ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 884 wordsYou must have heard lately a great deal about the Legislative Council. Do you know what the Legislative Council is and what it does? In Macquarie-street. on the east side, there are some wooden ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 370 wordsMonday. Had to interview the baby boarder, reported for using "exceedingly bad language!" It came about in this way—Dolly had yesterday done everything she ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 683 wordsIf [?] on the North Shore, I'd always come to town. On a funny little ferry boat, bobbing up and down; And every Sunday afternoon I'd go out to the Zoo[?] And see the bears and tigers, and all the monkeys, ...
Article : 219 wordsThe Ring-tall possum (or Common Grey) Is seldom seen throughout the day; He much prefers to use the nights, To go abroad and see the sights. ...
Article : 231 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 423 wordsDo you know the instruments of the orchestra? By orchestra is not meant the collection of saxophones and banjoes that play at the dances, but the regular big orchestra that plays in town halls. If you are ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 461 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 30 Nov 1933, Page 23
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