AS authorised by the Sydney Harbour Bridge Act of 1922, the Sydney Harbour Bridge consists of an arch bridge across Sydney Harbour from Dawes' Point to ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 3,522 wordsNOW we have the bridge. There it stands in majesty in a superb court of beauty. Its cost is enormous; we are paying dearly. But, begun in our days of prosperity and lavishness, it had perforce to be gone on with. So there it is—a monument, a memorial for future generations to contemplate as ...
Article : 1,147 wordsAN AERIAL VIEW OF THE LOWER PART OF SYDNEY HARBOUR. This photograph taken from a height of 1500 feet shows the bridge spanning the narrowest part of the harbour and linking the northern suburbs (on the left) with the city. In the foreground are Goat Island, the wharves of Walsh Bay near the bridge apporach on the right, and the entrance to Darling Harbour. On the left near the bridge is the station in Lavender Bay which will no ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 19 Mar 1932, Page 2
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