Triumphing over a stretch of blue water, a great steel bridge now allows free play to the urge of a mighty city to push northward. Pageants, ever a popular form of celebrating a victory, are, to-day in progress, showing step by step the advances made by New South Wales during ...
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Advertising : 279 wordsMY problem is the consideration of the Great Bridge, in its aesthetic relation to Sydney and the Harbour. This is a difficult and delicate business, for it demands ...
Article : 1,584 wordsSCATTERED about Europe are many ancient, quaint, and picturesque bridges. Some date back before the birth of Christ —to the era when the Roman Empire, ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,559 wordsTHE completion of the Harbour Bridge is expected to open up a new era for the suburbs on the northern side of the harbour. It probably will do so, but if the progress ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 19 Mar 1932, Page 16
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