The eighteenth annual meeting of the society for the relief of the destitute children was held yesterday afternoon in the Randwick Asylum. As usual on such occasions a large number of the friends of the ...
Article : 4,244 wordsA deputation, consisting of George Alfred Lloyd. Esq., M P. W. Church, Esq., M P.and E. W. Emmett, Esq waited upon Ministers, on Tuesday morning, at the Colonial Secretary's office, with reference to resolutions passed at a ...
Article : 1,956 wordsA public meeting of ratepayers was held at Mr. Thomas Fuller's, Lane Cove Road, on Monday last, to consider matters connected with the municipality, and to take steps to secure the election of two qualified ...
Article : 823 wordsAt the Supreme Court, Launceston, on the 13th and 14th instant, his Honor the Chief Justice (Sir Valentine Fleming) heard the following case :— George Conboy was charged with the wilful ...
Article : 2,408 words{No abstract available}
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Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), Wed 26 Jan 1870, Page 3
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