Age of Progress Gold-mining Company (limited).-An adjourned general meeting of this company was held at Messrs. Darton and Co.'s offices, Bank Chambers, King-street, on Thursday last, when the following ...
Article : 480 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,447 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 65 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 335 wordsA RECENT article in the SATURDAY REVIEW, on the subject of lying, deception, and imposture of various kinds, commences by reminding us of the expression of the Psalmist ...
Article : 1,238 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 37 wordsThe Rev. Canon Smith addressed a crowded meeting yesterday at Hill End. Six hundred pounds were collected. ...
Article : 25 wordsTo-day, being the Queen's Birthday, the Local Board of the Public School gave a picnic to three hundred children of Young. The affair was a great success. There was a large Mr. Copeland has concluded the purchase of four claims on O'Brien's reef, inclusive of a twelve head stamping battery. A company has been formed in forty-two thousand shares ...
Article : 90 wordsThere were violent altercations in the Assembly again last night,-devoted to blackening members' characters. The debate will probably last another week. ...
Article : 554 wordsTHE inhabitants of Sydney not only made a most unmistakable demonstration of loyalty, but thoroughly enjoyed themselves, in commemoration of the fifty-third anniversary of the birth of Queen Victoria. The ...
Article : 2,966 wordsIT is nearly superfluous for us to say that of the many amusements announced for the delectation of the good and loyal people of Sydney, none were so popular with the sporting portion of the community as the Homebush Revival Races ...
Article : 944 wordspleasure grounds were visited yesterday by a very large number of Sons and Daughters of Temperance. The proceeds being devoted to the funds of the Olive Branch and Dove Divisions. The various games provided were actively contested, and ...
Article : 74 wordsexcursion to this delightful locality was patronised by a large number of pleasure seekers, who, on their arrival, improvised plenies in the numerous shady nooks, while others rambled to the fortifications at George's Head. Rural sports were ...
Article : 139 wordsThe universal penchant of the Sydney public for equestrian exhibitions, and the comparative contiguity of Moore Park to the Albert Ground, considerably in fated against the success of the fete at Prince Alfred Park an I building; but a pretty ...
Article : 139 wordsDespite the great attraction centred in the review yesterday, the excursion and picnic at Balmoral, improvised by the Hibernian Benefit Society, was attended by a very large number of excursionists. The steamer Ballina made several trips ...
Article : 206 wordsFrench war vessel Rance were literally shrouded with flags, and the merchant shipping displayed a most variegated show of bunting. It is elsewhere mentioned that each of the war vessels in port fired the customary royal salutes at noon. ...
Article : 82 wordsThe sports gives at the Albert Ground by Messrs. Bird and Taylor's troupe were certainly the most successful of the kind ever offered to the Sydney public, and it is satisfactory to know that the great efforts made ...
Article : 289 wordsTHE proverbial Queen's weather ushered in with all its brightness the morning of Friday, and this, with other attendant circumstances, served to make, as far as the first day was concerned, the May meeting of the Newcastle Jockey ...
Article : 1,384 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), Sat 25 May 1872, Page 2
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