The TOWN AND COUNTRY JOURNAL of this week deals with subject in an article which all should read, on the advantages of the factory system, which is rapidly superseding the plan in Great Britain, ...
Article : 64 wordsThe City Coroner hold aA inquest this morning, at his offices in Hyde Park, on the body of Robert Elliott, who was killed through falling from the scaffolding of a house in the course of erection at ...
Article : 53 wordsWe have been shown a very handsome silver trowel, with served ivory handle and a mallet of crocus wood, with silver inlaid plats, which in to be presented to Mr. Thomas Brown, J.P., of Lithgow, ...
Article : 130 wordsA MEETING was convened for last evening at Liverpool, by the Mayor (Mr. C.A. Scrivener). There was a large and very infiuential attendance in the local court-house, Kindly lent by magistrate for ...
Article : 1,140 wordsThe adjourned annual meeting of ike New South Wales Agrlcnltural Society held at their rooms, George-street this morning. The Hon. G. H. Coxpreslaed, and then was a moderately good attendance ...
Article : 238 wordsSIR,—Two letters have recently appeared in your columna signed "Edward Heaton," calling attention to the great delays in delivery of wool at Darling Harbour, and proposing a remedy for our future ...
Article : 1,350 wordsThe daily attendance at the Garden Palacekeeps felly up to the average. The attendance at the Garden Palace on Tuesday was:—Season tioket holders, 350 general public, ...
Article : 103 wordsWishing to she how preparations for the horse show were pregreseing. I went into the ground the other day, and Mr. Dawson kindly showed me round. After having had three months to get the place in ...
Article : 782 wordsAt the Queen's Theatre, last night, the Victor[?] Loftus Troupe of British and Specialty Artiest, performed to a crowded house. The troupe comprises large number of tainted artiste in almost every department of ...
Article : 407 wordsSome misapprehension exists as to the names of the candidates for civiohonours in the township of Liverpool. In order to make matters clear, one of our reporters proceeded to Liverpool to attend the meeting ...
Article : 231 words{No abstract available}
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Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), Wed 21 Jan 1880, Page 3
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