When Lord Runciman visited Australia last February he firmly declined to discuss the part which he played in the sorry procession of events that led to ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,423 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 98 wordsIt is said by her publishers that Antonina Valentin spent many years in preparing the material for this work. Nobody who reads it will be inclined to doubt the claim; here is ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 527 wordsThe author, who saw service in the Great War, first went out to Madrid as a newsman, but remained to command the English International Brigade (which came into being at ...
Article : 519 wordsAs Professor of History at the University of Gand, Henri Pirenne was imprisoned by the Germans in 1916, and later interned. His name was so famous that the Academy of ...
Article : 452 wordsThe poet, Mr. Eliot decided some years ago, can be most useful to the community as a dramatist: hence, now, his eagerly-awaited third verse-play. "The Family Reunion." This ...
Article : 457 wordsMr. Ellis's title seems to suggest that he regards contemporary fiction and literary criticism as decadent but this is not so. Rather, he views the reaction from ...
Article : 441 words"The real Robinson Crusoe" was a bad boy who ran way to sea because he was in trouble for righting with his brothers, voluntarily marooned himself ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 934 wordsDr. Hsiao-Tung Fei studied anthropology and sociology at the universities of Yanching and Tsing Hua, and was inspired to pursue knowledge under Professor Malinowski at ...
Article : 274 wordsAs solid as the conventional Dutch mynheer is David Cornel De Jong's long novel, "Old Haven." In it are none of the shrewd tricks used by so many ...
Article : 572 wordsVaried are the crime and detective novels for this week. They range from the orthodox and uninspiring murder mystery to the defective story with a dash of the unusual in it; ...
Article : 478 wordsMr. Kelland is an excellent entertainer. He exploits very cleverly a brand of humour which in many hands deteriorates into mawkish sentimentality and banality. The patent naivete of ...
Article : 281 wordsThe most interesting thing about this novel is the dramatic picture it gives of the events of that October Sunday in 1936 when Sir Oswald Mosley's Fascists tried to march ...
Article : 280 wordsThere are sermons in stones. This is the genius behind every memorial, whether it be cairn, obelisk, statue, or cenotaph. They represent the ...
Article : 1,502 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 83 wordsThe title of the London Casino Revue, which will follow "I Married an Angel" at the Theatre Royal, has been changed to "Around the Clock." Katrin Rosselle, ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,616 wordsMiranda carefully explained that she had lit on the only pool in the Murray where the waters were at once deep enough to break a dive and not too ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 3 Jun 1939, Page 12
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