Instrumental music was much to the fore in Melbourne last week. Pianoforte recitals were given by Miss Rieke Parker and Mr. Goll on Wednesday, June 4, and by Miss ...
Article : 476 wordsAfter a successful tour through Queensland and New South Wales, where their playing was much appreciated, the 35 members of the Australian Band, which ...
Article : 103 wordsThe trial of George William Auburn on a charge of having wilfully murdered John George O'Neil, chauffeur, whose battered remains were found in the Swan River on ...
Article : 58 wordsWe would have preferred to see Miss Barbars Hoffe for the first time in something more human, less temperamental, less cruel, and horrible than "Rain," the new ...
Article : 1,328 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 181 wordsOn Saturday evening, June 7, the Theatre Royal was en fete over the return of the popular musical comedy "Sally." A huge crowd greeted the company with ...
Article : 286 wordsThe death of Mr. H. R. Roberts, the actor, in Sydney, was announced in a telegram from his wife (Miss Maggie Moore). As a child, Harry Roberts, who was born ...
Article : 764 wordsA Maori woman, the wife of Ruki Pene, resident in the native settlement of Hokianga (N.Z.), was beaten to death in her whare, in the presence of her six children. ...
Article : 115 wordsThose interested in black and white drawing, etchings, and lithographs will find much pleasure in the collection of works by members of the Society of ...
Article : 421 wordsThat interesting theory in politics, the recall, is now fast developing in New South Wales, and it looks very likely that it will be put to the test in the peculiar ...
Article : 1,634 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), Sat 14 Jun 1924, Page 39
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