The bird ol life is singing on the bough, His two eternal notes of "I" and "Thou." It was after tea, and the long shadows of the dusk had fallen so gently, so tenderly, ...
Article : 2,488 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 18 wordsA visit to the aboriginal village, or hamlet, at Sackville Reach, on the banks of the Hawkesbury River, will well repay the philanthropist, who can see at a glance what a taste of ...
Article : 361 wordsBRAIDWOOD, Monday.—The Old-age Pensions Board concluded its sittings for this month on Friday. Altogether 2093 cases were disposed of, twenty being postponed to the August sittings. ...
Article : 201 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 33 wordsSir,—In your issue of July 23 the following paragraph appears: "I've often wondered," said the president of a conference dealing with bad branding and flaying of cattle, "when ...
Article : 582 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 16 wordsCONDOBOLIN, Saturday.—The recent discovery of rich copper ore at Crowl Creek, has directed a great deal of attention to the copper-bearing country existing in the centre of this ...
Article : 1,416 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 32 wordsWe have been handed by the Right Worshipful the Mayor of Sydney (Sir James Graham), a copy of an extract from a report received by Mr. R. W. Richards, A.M. lost. C.E., city surveyor, in ...
Article : 894 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 10 wordsSir,—Allow me to supplement the very valuable remarks of Mr. Manfield Newton, C.E., in your columns re fire sprinklers. The late Captain Shaw, of London Brigade fame, used to declare ...
Article : 304 wordsThe usual weekly meeting of the Aborigines Protection Board was held at the offices, Phillip-street, on Thursday, Mr. E. Fosbery (Inspector-General of Police), presidios. A communication ...
Article : 167 wordsHAY, Saturday.—The following are additional show awards: Blood entire: W. C. Tyson's Fleet Admiral, Draught entire: F. L. Learmonth's Dunmore. Hunter: W. C. Tyson's Cockspur. ...
Article : 258 words{No abstract available}
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Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), Mon 29 Jul 1901, Page 7
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