Correspondence is invited from all young readers of "The Australasian" on any subject in which they may be interested. Questions requiring an answer should be ...
Article : 3,338 wordsIT was 12 o'clock. The childien had left the schoolroom, and were talking together in the ...
Article : 1,368 wordsI WENT last week to Ned's birthday party. He lives in a house that is called Cromartie. Mother bought me a book to give to Ned; but I wished I could ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 269 wordsStories about animals seldom fail to appeal to Australian boys and girls, and many tales of this description are sent to the Young Folk's Page by readers, often ...
Article : 202 wordsOh, Tony, Tony, what shall we do? There's a [?]ole in the fence, and the pig's got throught He's rooting up the garden, and digging with his ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 159 wordsAt first glance no one would ever guess how very easy it is to draw a picture of the dainty little bird sitting on a perch which Fig. 3 shows. To do it, first draw ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 110 wordsThis rainy day is cold and grey— [?] wish that [?] were far away Upon a South Sea island bright, With sands sgleam in golden light. ...
Article : 112 wordsACROSS:—1, Tiller; 5, Sapped; 9, Era; 10, A[?]l; 11, Dart; 12, Tree; 14, Fern; 16, Toy; 17, Axle; 19, Leo; 20, Hat; 21, Eim; 22, Sense; 24, Ice; 25, Eve; 26. Bib; 27, Cod; 29, Throb; 32, Ink; ...
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The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), Sat 24 Sep 1927, Page 80
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