{No abstract available}
Advertising : 982 wordsThe grand carnival on Circus Square in aid of St. Canlce's new presbytery, has drawn to a successful conclusion, and is now only a memory of the past. Despite almost ...
Article : 247 wordsAt the last meeting of Blue Mountains Shire Council, a letter was received from Noyes Bros, relating to the deposit ledged by Council in respect of a road-making plant. The ...
Article : 415 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 101 wordsLatest advices from Jenolan, as we go to press, are to the effect that the Caves will be open for inspection by visitors as from tomorrow, Saturday. Gangs of laborers have ...
Article : 100 wordsFrom the tenor of the speeches at the meeting in St. Alban's Hall on Wednesday night, it seems apparent that popular feeling favors the creation of a local park, to perpetuate the ...
Article : 295 wordsAt the last meeting of Blue Mountains Shire Council the following communication was read from W. Lowden:—"I understand a suggestion is being made that the cost of certain kerbing ...
Article : 239 wordsAt the last meeting of Blue Mountains Shire Council, Cr. Staples moved that "a local rate of id in the £ on the U.C.V. be imposed on the Urban area of Wentworth Fails, for the purpose ...
Article : 258 wordsThe nineteenth annual celebrations of St. Patrick's Day on the Blue Mountains, will be held in Katoomba Town Hall on Monday week, March 17th. It has been decided that the ...
Article : 317 wordsAbout 7.30 on Friday night, as Mr. A. R. Chopin and his family were idling in the dining room of the A.B.C. Bank, Kaloomba, subsequent to the evening meal, they were ...
Article : 323 wordsThe Reserves Trust, Messrs Lees, Shepherd, W. Mathews, Joshna, Hall, and Sam Wilson, has decided to open up, clear and level the reserve here and erect a shelter shed. This ...
Article : 152 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 163 wordsOne small business change eventuated over the week, Butterman Grew transferring his future in the biz, to one Faulkner. As predicted in my last, the dance on ...
Article : 777 wordsCr. Wall considers that Dr. Arthur should be requested to furnish a balance sheet of the Voluntary Worker's Association. Cr Staples considers that consumers' mains ...
Article : 185 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 102 wordsLodge Victoria, founded over 35 years ago, and transferred from the Mount of that ilk to this centre in 1898, when Mt. Vic's progressive star set, is ...
Article : 595 wordsThe Blue Mountains girls school, which was closed to day pupils during the 'flu epidemic has now re-opened. The congregational Church resumed services ...
Article : 180 wordsA suburban workman was recently haled before a police court, and fined 20/- and costs, for crossing a railway line. He explained to an unsympathetic Beak that he wished to get ...
Article : 359 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 394 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Blue Mountain Echo (NSW : 1909 - 1928), Fri 7 Mar 1919, Page 5
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