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  2. Pictures of the Week

    Many years ago an old sailor, who had spent nearly 40 years of his life under sail, told me that only once had he participated in a mutiny. His ship sailed ...

    Article : 2,874 words

    THERE have been so many "thrillers" on stage and screen during the last few years that any one of the type must be more than ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 657 words
  4. ART

    The work of Mr. Will Ashton is so well known and so highly thought of that any other than praiseworthy references are needless. He is one of our finest ...

    Article : 1,114 words

    The large audience which attended the concert given at the Town Hall on August 25 by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, directed by Mr. Percy Grainger and ...

    Article : 279 words
  6. Advertising

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    Advertising : 172 words