{No abstract available}
Advertising : 517 wordsA new infants' school and additions to the existing buildings, the contract price for which was £11,728, were opened by Mr. T. Mutch, Minister for Education, on Saturday. ...
Article : 283 wordsTenders for the following works were opened by the tender board of the Public Works Department on September 7:—Daysale Police Station and Courthouse: Repairs, painting, etc. three tenders C. P. ...
Article : 303 wordsMessrs. H. E. Ross and Rowe, architects and consulting engineers, have accepted the following contracts:—Extensive blocks of brick and concrete buildings for the new central ...
Article : 302 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 743 wordsMr. Maurice Diamond, an American comedian, was a passenger by the Sonoma, which arrived at Sydney yesterday. Mr. Diamond belongs to a well-known American theatrical ...
Article : 181 wordsThe exhibition of oil paintings by Mr. Rupert C. Bunny, at the galleries of Anthony Hordern and Sons, Ltd., was opened by Sir Henry Braddon yesterday afternoon. ...
Article : 168 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 541 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 374 wordsMadame Souia Kalmiko[?]f, who is to sing at the Conservatorium on Saturday night, is a Russian operatic soprano, who has sung in the theatres of Petrograd, Vienna, Berlin, and other Continental ...
Article : 73 wordsA concert and pageant in and of the Y.W.C.A. World Fellowship Fund are announced to be given at St. James's Hall to-night. The programme includes sketches and a play by members of the Sydney ...
Article : 45 wordsThe Sydney Madrigal Society, conducted by Mr. Frederick Mewton, will give a concert to-night at the Conservatorium, when the choir will be heard in several interesting melodies. Mlle. Marie Segur ...
Article : 65 wordsMiss'Dulcie Blair and Miss Nea de Mesire will play the Brahms Sonata in [?] for violin and piano at today's concert at 1.5 p.m.. at Adyar H[?]ll, and Mr. Clem Q. Williams will sing. Admission is free to ...
Article : 57 wordsMr. Cecil Hartt was re-elected president of the Society of Australian Black-and-White Artists at its first annual meeting this week. He reported that satisfactory progress had ...
Article : 140 wordsThe United Ancient Order of Druids continued their annual session yesterday morning. Speeches were delivered by the interstate delegates—Grand Presidents Wal[?]ers ...
Article : 155 wordsThe Greenleaf Theatre, which has come to Australia as an oftshoot of its parent branch in England, has as its object the teaching of rhythmic drama and the interpretation of ...
Article : 186 wordsThe golden jubilee of Brother Barron, who established the teaching order of the Christian Brothers in this State, and who for the past 22 years has been the Provincial of ...
Article : 125 wordsA telegram from Hall's Creek states that Lord Apsley's party has arrived there and is now continuing its journey in Western Australia. ...
Article : 27 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wed 9 Sep 1925, Page 9
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