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Advertising : 575 wordsIn the "Life of Lavinia Fenton," the original Polly Peachum of the English stage, it is related that the Duke of Queensberry, on hearing "The Beggar's Opera" for the first ...
Article : 1,237 wordsTubby Stevens used make-up, voice, and patter at Fuller's New Theatre on Saturday to confirm previous improssions of him as one of the best knock-about comedians Sydney ...
Article : 93 wordsTo assist the funds of the Belgian Benevolent Society, Sacha Guitry's "Le Grand Due" was presented at the Conservatorium on Saturday night to a large andience, which ...
Article : 98 wordsAllan Wilkie will open his Shakespearean season at the Conservatorium on Saturday, August 18, with "A Winter's Tale." This in one of the new additions to his repertoire in which the actor-manager ...
Article : 79 wordsOn Monday evening, August 13, the Manby Violin Co. will give a concert at the Conservatorium, at which Messrs. Cyril Monk and Frank Hutchens will play Yongen's Sonata for violin and piano, as well ...
Article : 63 wordsA full house at the Theatre Royal on Saturday night emphatically showed its appreciation of the second edition of "Bran Pie," staged by Lee White and Clay Smith. ...
Article : 372 wordsSince its inception ten years ago, when operations were started in a shed, lent rent free, with a hand litter and a stock of bandages, etc., the Dalby (Queensland) Ambulance ...
Article : 181 wordsThe competition conducted by the Great Public Schools' Debating Society was continued last week. In "A" group, Scots College defeated St. Joseph's College. The debate ...
Article : 111 wordsIt is to be regretted that, despite the extremely miscellaneous nature of their programme on Saturday, Mr. Edward Branscombe and his Westminster Glee Singers did not think ...
Article : 583 wordsAstronomical figures covering the human epoch were supplied by Mr. Joseph. McCabe in a lecture on the evolution of man, delivered to a crowded audience at the King's ...
Article : 252 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 6 Aug 1923, Page 5
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